Charles P. Jones is Edwin Gill Professor of Finance at North Carolina State University and author of Investments: Analysis and Management, Eighth Edition, one of the world”s leading investment textbooks. A Chartered Financial Analyst, Jones”s research interests include rates of return on financial assets, asset allocation decisions, and earnings surprises. More than 50 of Jones”s papers have been published in the world”s leading journals on finance and investing; he speaks and consults widely on topics of managerial finance, investment, and capital markets. In 1998-99, he was honored with a North Carolina State University Board of Governors Teaching Award, having previously been the recipient of one of the university”s Outstanding Teaching Awards.
2 Ebook di Charles P. Jones
Gerald R. Jensen & Charles P. Jones: Investments
The revised and updated fourteenth edition of Investments: Analysis and Management explains the essentials of investing and supports good investment decisions. More than a simple introduction to the …