Autore: Ciro Esposito

Prof. Ciro Esposito is Chief of the Pediatric Surgery Unit at the University of Naples Federico II,   and Director of the Pediatric Surgery Training Program at the same University; he is also Director of the Training Courses in Pediatric MIS at the Center of Biotechnology, Cardarelli Hospital, Naples, Italy, President of the European Society of Pediatric Endoscopic Surgery (ESPES), past President of the Italian Society of Videosurgery in Infancy (SIVI), and Honorary Member of the French Academy of Surgery. he has published more than 350 papers in the field. Prof. François Becmeur is Leader Expert of Pediatric MIS and Chief of the Pediatric Surgery Unit at the CHU Hautepierre, Strasbourg, France. He is also Director of Training Courses in Pediatric MIS at the IRCAD/EITS in Strasbourg, France. His fields of interest are: laparoscopy; thoracoscopy,   MIS neonatal surgery; surgical oncology, and MIS education. Prof. Henri Steyaert is Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery and Urology at Queen Fabiola Children’s University Hospital of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and Leader Expert of Pediatric MIS. Member of several pediatric surgical associations – the IPEG; ESPES; EUPSA; SFCP, he is  President Elect of the ESPES and Past President of the French association of Pediatric Minimal Invasive Surgery (GECI). His fields of interest are: laparoscopy, endoscopy, robotics, fetal surgery and pediatric urology. Prof. Dr. Philipp Szavay is currently Professor of Pediatric Surgery and Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery at the Children’s Hospital in Lucerne, Switzerland. He is a member of several pediatric surgical associations – IPEG, ESPES, EUPSA, ESPU, as well as the German and the Swiss Society of Pediatric Surgery. As for the IPEG he serves as the European representative in the Executive Board. He has a strong focus on surgical education especially in the field ofminimally invasive techniques and directed numerous national and international courses respectively such as for IPEG, ESPES, EUPSA, ESPU, IRCAD and others. His fields of interest are laparoscopy, thoracoscopy and pediatric laparoscopic urology.

8 Ebook di Ciro Esposito

Ciro Esposito & François Becmeur: ESPES Manual of Pediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery
This book is devoted to all the aspects of pediatric minimally invasive surgery and is written under the patronage of the European Society of Pediatric Endoscopic Surgery (ESPES) with the participati …
Ciro Esposito & Jean Michel Guys: Pediatric Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction
Pediatric Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction ( Pediatric NBD) offers a  leading international reference on the diagnostic and therapeutic approach to the pediatric patient with urinary problems …
Ciro Esposito & G. Esposito: Pediatric Surgical Diseases
Radiologic evaluation of an infant or child suspected of having a surgical disease can be a complex problem. With this volume, the editors have created a book focused on pediatric imaging written by …
Ciro Esposito: Il programma di liquidazione
L’esigenza di pianificazione come gestione organizzata delle attività di impresa, finalizzate al raggiungimento di un obiettivo determinato, coinvolge ogni fase dell’impresa, compresa quella della su …
Ciro Esposito & Celeste Hollands: Videochirurgia pediatrica
La nascita e lo sviluppo della chirurgia laparoscopica e mini-invasiva è il cambiamento più importante avvenuto in chirurgia pediatrica negli ultimi 30 anni. Il grande impulso a questa branca della c …
Ciro Esposito: Il canto del minareto
Beirut 1983.Tre amici diciannovenni in servizio presso una caserma operativa in Friuli, vengono scelti con altri duecento soldati per una missione all’estero. La prima missione militare del dopoguerr …
Ciro Esposito & Philippe Montupet: Gastroesophageal Reflux in Infants and Children
Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a common condition in children. In most infants the reflux disappears spontaneously after the first year of life; nevertheless, children may be managed with medical …
Ciro Esposito & Lorenzo Masieri: Minimally Invasive Techniques in Pediatric Urology
In the last 10 years, the management of paediatric urological pathologies has been radically transformed; over 70% of all cases can now be treated with minimally invasive techniques.This book is uniq …