HAJO G. BOOMGAARDEN Assistant Professor, Amsterdam School of Communication Research ASCo R, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands NICHOLAS BORNSTEIN Research Assistant, Economics and Environmental Management Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute, Lausanne, Switzerland WILLEM BOSVELD Social Psychologist and Senior Researcher, Research and Statistics (O+S), Amsterdam, The Netherlands SARA BINZER HOBOLT Lecturer in Comparative European Politics and Fellow, Lincoln College, University of Oxford, UK SIMON HUG Professor of Political Science, University of Zurich, UK HANSPETER KRIESI Professor of Comparative Politics, University of Zurich, Switzerland BRUNO LANZ Research Assistant, Economics and Environmental Management Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland LAWRENCE LEDUC Professor of Political Science, University of Toronto, Canada MICHAEL MARSH Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Head of the School of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland PETER NEIJENS Professor and Chair of Communication Campaigns, Amsterdam School of Communications Research ASCo R, Communication Science Department, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands HENRIK OSCARSSON Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Göteborg University, Sweden PHILIP VAN PRAAG Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands PASCAL SCIARINI Professor of Swiss and Comparative Politics, Department of Political Science, University of Geneva, Switzerland JEROEN SLOT Head of the Research and Policy Information group, Research and Statistics (O+S), Amsterdam, The Netherlands ALEXANDER TRECHSEL Professor of Political Science, European University Institute, Florence, Italy
16 Ebook di Claes H. de Vreese
Kenneth A. Loparo: The Dynamics of Referendum Campaigns
This book focuses on the key actors in a referendum (the political elites/ parties, the media and citizens) and is centred around themes such as campaign style, campaign effects, electoral mobilizati …
Wouter van der Brug & Claes H. de Vreese: (Un)intended Consequences of EU Parliamentary Elections
When direct elections for the European Parliament were first organized in 1979, the idea was that such direct elections would increase the democratic legitimacy and accountability of the Parliament. …
Wouter van der Brug & Claes H. de Vreese: (Un)intended Consequences of EU Parliamentary Elections
When direct elections for the European Parliament were first organized in 1979, the idea was that such direct elections would increase the democratic legitimacy and accountability of the Parliament. …
Holli A. Semetko & Claes H. de Vreese: Political Campaigning in Referendums
This book reviews the research on campaigns and elections and investigates the effects of campaigning in referendums, drawing on panel survey data, media content data, focus groups, and interviews wi …
Toril Aalberg & Frank Esser: Communicating Populism
The studies in this volume conceptualize populism as a type of political communication and investigate it comparatively, focusing on (a) politicians’ and journalists’ perceptions, (b) media coverage, …
Toril Aalberg & Frank Esser: Communicating Populism
The studies in this volume conceptualize populism as a type of political communication and investigate it comparatively, focusing on (a) politicians’ and journalists’ perceptions, (b) media coverage, …
Erik Albaek & Arjen van Dalen: Economic News
This book tells the story of how the news media can help the inattentive members of the public become better educated and knowledgeable ‘economic citizens’. The authors argue that changes in the econ …
Erik Albaek & Arjen van Dalen: Economic News
This book tells the story of how the news media can help the inattentive members of the public become better educated and knowledgeable ‘economic citizens’. The authors argue that changes in the econ …
Erik Albaek & Arjen van Dalen: Political Journalism in Comparative Perspective
Erik Albaek & Arjen van Dalen: Political Journalism in Comparative Perspective
Holli A. Semetko & Claes H. de Vreese: Political Campaigning in Referendums
This book reviews the research on campaigns and elections and investigates the effects of campaigning in referendums, drawing on panel survey data, media content data, focus groups, and interviews wi …
Holli A. Semetko & Claes H. de Vreese: Political Campaigning in Referendums
This book reviews the research on campaigns and elections and investigates the effects of campaigning in referendums, drawing on panel survey data, media content data, focus groups, and interviews wi …
Sophie Lecheler & Claes H. de Vreese: News Framing Effects
News Framing Effects is a guide to framing effects theory, one of the most prominent theories in media and communication science. Rooted in both psychology and sociology, framing effects theory descr …
Sophie Lecheler & Claes H. de Vreese: News Framing Effects
News Framing Effects is a guide to framing effects theory, one of the most prominent theories in media and communication science. Rooted in both psychology and sociology, framing effects theory descr …
Erik (University of Southern Denmark) Albæk & Kim Andersen: Generational Gaps in Political Media Use and Civic Engagement
This book investigates news use patterns among five different generations in a time where digital media create a multi-choice media environment. The book introduces the EPIG Model (Engagement-Partici …
Erik (University of Southern Denmark) Albæk & Kim Andersen: Generational Gaps in Political Media Use and Civic Engagement
This book investigates news use patterns among five different generations in a time where digital media create a multi-choice media environment. The book introduces the EPIG Model (Engagement-Partici …