Autore: Cristiane Coppe de Oliveira

Milton Rosa earned a Masters’ degree in 2001 and a Doctorate degree in 2010 both in Education from California State University in Sacramento. He also earned a post-doctorate degree in Education from Universidade de São Paulo in 2015 and his studies focuses on ethnomodelling research, which is the connection between ethnomathematics and mathematical modelling. He has published papers and articles in national and international journals, chapter books, and books in Portuguese, Spanish, and English. He joined conferences and symposia in international and national levels with contributions of plenaries, round tables, communications, and posters. He also has supervised numerous master theses in the area of Mathematics Education. In 2010, Dr. Rosa was awarded the Dr. Carlos J. Vallejo Memorial Award, in the area of Multicultural and Multiethnic Education (MME), in the Special Interest Group (SIG) in the American Education Research Association (AERA) for his contributions in thearea of cultural diversity in Mathematics Education.  Cristiane Coppe de Oliveira graduated in Mathematics from the Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (1996), master”s degree in Education from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2001) and doctorate from Education from the Universidade de São Paulo (2008). Post-doctorate in Education from the Universidade de Lisboa (2015) and Post-doctorate in Education from the Universidade de São Paulo (2015). Her work investigates the importance of inserting African, Afro-Brazilian and indigenous history and culture into the Mathematics curriculum and the possibilities of breaking with the scientific racism that is established in Eurocentric ideas. She has experience in Education by focusing on mathematics education, history of mathematics, and ethnomathematics.

2 Ebook di Cristiane Coppe de Oliveira

Milton Rosa & Cristiane Coppe de Oliveira: Ethnomathematics in Action
This book presents a collection of ethnomathematical studies of diverse mathematical practices in Afro-Brazilian, indigenous, rural and urban communities in Brazil. Ethnomathematics as a research pro …
Cristiane Coppe de Oliveira: Malba Tahan e a Revista Al-Karismi (1946-1951)
Malba Tahan é o pseudônimo muito popularizado de Júlio Cesar de Mello e Souza (1895 – 1974), brasileiro carioca, autor de livros de matemática e de didática da matemática, largamente reconhecido como …