Part of the Oxford Smart Curriculum Service, the Oxford Smart Mosaic Teacher Handbook 1 supports specialists and non-specialists alike to deliver the KS3 curriculum coherently and with impact.Designed around Series Editor Craig Barton’s Learning Episode Model, the Teacher Handbook provides a responsive, step-by-step approach that can be easily followed and implemented, with minimal PD. Non-specialists are fully supported with a clear and consistent teaching and learning approach, ...
Part of the Oxford Smart Curriculum Service, the Oxford Smart Mosaic Teacher Handbook 1 supports specialists and non-specialists alike to deliver the KS3 curriculum coherently and with impact.Designed around Series Editor Craig Barton’s Learning Episode Model, the Teacher Handbook provides a responsive, step-by-step approach that can be easily followed and implemented, with minimal PD. Non-specialists are fully supported with a clear and consistent teaching and learning approach, which helps them to check prior learning, identify misconceptions, model key skills and provide opportunities for practice.The Teacher Handbook contains comprehensive guidance on the delivery of all the content in Student Book 1. It includes additional guidance on pre-requisite knowledge and common misconceptions to support responsive teaching, guidance for effective explanations and how to develop learners mathematical thinking through example-problem pairs, and support with building the confidence and fluency of learners.Answers for all questions and commentary for the problem-solving and reasoning questions are provided in the Teacher Handbook.