Autore: Daniel J. Fleming

Daniel J. Fleming leads ethics and formation for St Vincent’s Health Australia, the country’s largest Catholic healthcare provider. He is also a senior lecturer in theology and ethics and Honorary Research Associate with the Sydney College of Divinity.

2 Ebook di Daniel J. Fleming

Daniel J. Fleming: Attentiveness to Vulnerability
This book is an attempt to develop a dialogue between the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas, Jean Porter’s Thomistic theory of the natural law, and the virtue of solidarity as expressed in Catholic Soci …
Daniel J. Fleming & James F. Keenan: Doing Theology and Theological Ethics in the Face of the Abuse Crisis
This volume is the fruit of a ‘theological laboratory’ initiated by the then-Centre for Child Protection and the Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church (CTEWC) called ‘Doing Theology in the …