Dr Guillermo Tellez Isaias worked at the National Autonomous University of Mexico for 16 years and was previously Head of the Avian Medicine Department at the College of Veterinary Medicine. Currently, Dr Tellez is a Research Professor at the Center of Excellence in Poultry Science, University of Arkansas, USA where his research is focused on the advantages of the poultry gastrointestinal model to evaluate the beneficial effects of functional foods to enhance intestinal health and disease resistance.
3 Ebook di Darren S. Seidel
Steven C. Ricke: Improving gut health in poultry
- Particular focus on development of the chicken gut microbiome over the lifetime of the bird
- Reviews interactions between pathogens and the gut and the role of antibiotics in this pr …
Chris McSweeney & Roderick I. Mackie: Improving rumen function
- Reviews advances in understanding the role of different types of rumen microbiota such as archea, anaerobic fungi, viruses and the rumen wall microbial community
- Covers both the way …
Gregory B. Penner & Emilio Ungerfeld: Instant Insights: Metabolic disorders in dairy cattle
This specially curated collection features four reviews of current and key research on metabolic disorders in dairy cattle. The first chapter reviews the prevalence, etiology and effects of ruminal a …