Circa l’autore
David Baron is founding Chair of the WPA Scientific Section, Exercise, Psychiatry and Sport, (current Vice Chair), Board member, International Society of Sports Psych...
Circa l’autore
David Baron is founding Chair of the WPA Scientific Section, Exercise, Psychiatry and Sport, (current Vice Chair), Board member, International Society of Sports Psychiatrist, Chair of Concussion and Sport, Consultant to numerous professional sports leagues, NCAA, IOC, WADA, Ministers of Sports, 2018 Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Brain Science. US- Centers for Disease Control consultant on Safety in Youth Sports Program, focusing on concussion in youth sports, named, America’s Top Doc in Sports Psychiatry, Consumer Council of America, Founder and current Director, Center for Health and Sport at Western University.
Thomas Wenzel, MD, Prof. of Psychiatry (Medical University of Vienna, Austria), is current chair of the World Psychiatric Association Scientific Section on Sport and Exercise Psychiatry. Long term research and clinical focus on psychological trauma, brain trauma, and transcultural issues in Sports and in victims of violence, more than 300 publications and published papers. International teaching in sport psychiatry. He is co-ordinator of the WPA section educational program on healthy sports. Long term chair and co-founder, WPA section on sequels to persecution and torture.
Andreas Ströhle, MD, is a Professor of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Charité- Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany. He is leading a research group on Sports Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, and head of the division of Sports Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the German Association of Psychiatrists (DGPPN). Besides mental disorders in athletes his clinical work and research focuses on physical activity, exercise and sports in the prevention and treatment of mental disorders. Todd Stull, M.D is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of California Riverside. Stull is the Mental Health Officer for the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee for the upcoming Tokyo and Beijing Games. He was the first full-time sports psychiatrist in the NCAA where he served as the Senior Associate Athletic Director for Performance at the University of Nebraska in the Athletic Department. He is the immediate Past President of the International Society for Sports Psychiatry. Stull has been on several NCAA workgroups to write guidelines for mental health, substance use, sleep, pain, gender, diversity, and sports wagering. He has served on the NCAA Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports Committee and was the chair of the subcommittee for drug testing for the NCAA. He was one of 22 experts from six continents on the International Olympic Committee to develop mental health and substance use guidelines.