Cosmic Roots & Eldritch Shores presents To Ukraine, With Love: Full color illustrated epub version. This benefit anthology, with 100% of the profits to be donated to causes for Ukraine, such as World Central Kitchen, Doctors Without Borders, and International Rescue committee.
All the science fiction, fantasy, myths, legends, fairy tales, and eldritch stories and poems, and the artwork, have been donated.
Contributors include Geoffrey Landis, David Brin, Terri Windling, Andrew Burt, George Guthridge, and Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki. Artists include Scott Gustafson, Stephanie Law, and Howard David Johnson.
This version is a full color illustrated epub.
We will also be doing a full color print version, and an audiobook, with some stories narrated by the authors themselves.
Tabella dei contenuti
Table of Contents
Science Fiction
The Abraxas Conjecture, by Akua Lezli Hope
The Resonance of Light, by Geoffrey Landis
Glory Whales, by Marc Criley 2
Spicer’s Modest Success, by Jared Van Dyke
Watchers, by David Gray
One Good Turn, by Alan K. Baker
Boomerang Zone, by Robert Dawson
Weatherbuns, by Diana Hauer
Sensoria, by Andrew Burt
Danged Black Thing, by Eugen Bacon & E. Don Harpe
Bubbles, by David Brin
Waiting for Mother, by Glenn Lyvers
A Witch’s Junk Drawer, by Rebecca Buchanan
The River’s Daughter and the Gunslinger God, by Matthew Claxton
The Trial of St. George, by Andrew Jensen
Cloud Tower Rising, by Ian Pohl
Love Potion, by Anne E.G. Nydam
The Memory Bank and Trust, by Patrick Hurley
Cat and Mouse, by Lara Crigger
Maggoty Meg Flies Up the Mountain, by Jonathan Lenore Kastin
The Quiet, by George Guthridge
The Witch of Atlas excerpt, by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Myths, Legends, & Fairy Tales
The Song of Wandering Aengus, by W.B. Yeats
Following the White Deer: on Myth and Writing, by Terri Windling
The Witching Hour, by Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki
Out of Brambles, by Leenna Naidoo
Rapunzel – A Re-Winding, by Joan Stewart
Major Difficulties, by H.B. Stonebridge
How Thomas Connolly Met the Banshee, by John Todhunter
Laila Tov, by Robert B. Finegold
… And Always, by Joan Stewart
The Listeners, by Walter De La Mare
Bolaji Has a Heart, by Osahon Ize-Iyamu
A Possession of Magpies, by E.E. King
Still Life, by Adam Stemple
Emissary, by Joshua Grasso
Estevan of the Children, by E.E. King
Ice, by Diana Silver
The Tempest, an excerpt
Young People of All Ages
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, an excerpt
The Lady and the Moon, by Matt Dovey
Tree With Chalicotheres, by Vicki Saunders
The Book of Winter, by Caroline Friedel
A Ladder to the Moon, by Naoko Awa
Zephyr’s Fair Child, by Scott J. Couterier
Circa l’autore
Geoffrey A. Landis is a science-fiction writer and a scientist. He has won the Hugo and Nebula awards for science fiction. He is the author of the novel Mars Crossing and the story collection Impact Parameter (and Other Quantum Realities). As a scientist, he works for NASA on developing advanced technologies for spaceflight, and is a member of the Mars Exploration Rovers science team. He was the 2014 recipient Robert A. Heinlein Award ‘for outstanding published works in science fiction and technical writings that inspire the human exploration of space.’ ?More information can be found at his web page,