A mysterious dog named Sirius with apparent supernatural abilities who saves the life of a man with a dark past. A double murder from long ago and an older man’s efforts to solve it. A drug kingpin and a drug heist gone bad. A determined indigenous copper who seeks the truth. A terrible drought induced by climate change.
All are connected. But how?
With its backdrop the beautiful but tinder dry Hunter Valley of New South Wales, a web of deceit and lies begins to unravel as sinister forces conspire to revenge a perceived double-cross. But the dog Sirius has other ideas. Will Sirius overcome Evil and save his master, or will Evil conquer?
Circa l’autore
Born in Newcastle, Australia, David is married, with four children and two grandchildren. When he is not writing, David enjoys cooking, loves a glass of red wine and allows the very active family dog to take him for a daily walk.
David has published four novels, three of which are fiction and the other non-fiction.