David Jefferson has researched the French waterways extensively, both in his own boat, which he kept in France for many years, and in Le Boat cruisers. He has written for leading sailing and motor boat magazines.
4 Ebook di David Jefferson
David Jefferson: Through the French Canals
Through the French Canals has probably tempted more people to explore the beautiful waterways of France than any other book. First published in 1970, it”s been the key authoritative title on cruisin …
David Jefferson: Through the French Canals
Through the French Canals has probably tempted more people to explore the beautiful waterways of France than any other book. First published in 1970, it”s been the key authoritative title on cruisin …
Kamalesh Adhikari & David Jefferson: Intellectual Property Law and Plant Protection
This book is the first to provide a detailed and critical account of the emergence, development, and implementation of plant variety protection laws in Asian countries. Each chapter undertakes a crit …
Kamalesh Adhikari & David Jefferson: Intellectual Property Law and Plant Protection
This book is the first to provide a detailed and critical account of the emergence, development, and implementation of plant variety protection laws in Asian countries. Each chapter undertakes a crit …