David L. Page, Ph.D., is an imaging scientist and an amateur political junky. This book is his third self-published work, as no reputable publisher wants to take on his writing. Also, no readers seem to care much either, as his work is far from being a “least” seller, much less a “best” seller. As he awaits writing glory, David enjoys wearing his boxers and t-shirts around the house in Knoxville, Tennessee, where his wife, Lisa, and their daughter, Grace, complain that the neighbors are watching. “Dad, stop running around in your underwear!”
3 Ebook di David L. Page
Charles M. Balch & Irvin D. Fleming: AJCC Cancer Staging Manual
The American Joint Committee on Cancer’s Cancer Staging Manual is used by physicians throughout the world to diagnose cancer and determine the extent to which cancer has progressed. All of the TNM st …
David L. Page: Scruffy Little Essays
In 2007, the local newspaper in Knoxville, Tennessee, ran a contest to select Community Columnists to write monthly opinion columns on regional issues of importance and concern to citizens in the Gre …