Paul H. Boge taught at Mully Children’s Family home in Ndalani, Kenya. He is a practicing professional engineer, a filmmaker, and the author of Hope for the Hopeless: The Charles Mulli Mission (Castle Quay Books) Father to the Fatherless: The Charles Mulli Story (Castle Quay Books), The Urban Saint: The Harry Lehotsky Story as well as The Chicago Healer and The Cities of Fortune (Castle Quay Books). He lives in Winnipeg, Canada
4 Ebook di David Rowlands
Paul H Boge: Hope for the Hopeless
Hope for the Hopeless continues the journey of Charles Mulli started in the best-selling biography Father to the Fatherless. His journey of faith challenges him to trust Christ in desperate times, co …
Michael L. George & David Rowlands: Das Lean Six Sigma Toolbook
Die Referenz zum Verständnis der Konzepte und Werkzeuge von Lean Six Sigma: Six Sigma ist ein statistisches Qualitätsziel und zugleich ein Instrument des Qualitätsmanagements. Ausgangspunkt dieser au …
David Canter & David Rowlands: Criminal Psychology
This carefully revised third edition of Criminal Psychology offers a vital, up-to-date account of the wide range of psychological contributions to the understanding of criminals and crime, its invest …
David Canter & David Rowlands: Criminal Psychology
This carefully revised third edition of Criminal Psychology offers a vital, up-to-date account of the wide range of psychological contributions to the understanding of criminals and crime, its invest …