Evidence-based practice – what it might mean, how it can be achieved, whether it should be aspired to – is the subject of much debate and argument in social work. Covering areas of social work practice that are well established and those in which evidence is just beginning to become available, the authors address issues such as:
* What is to count as evidence, and who decides this?
* If relevant evidence is agreed on, how should it be used in practice?
* How can the thing that made the difference be identified?
* Does success result from the theory employed by the worker, or because the worker is skilled, conscientious and effective?
* How predictable, controlled and orderly can social work become?
Exploring these issues within a range of contexts – from child abuse and domestic violence to looked after children and disability – the authors demonstrate why evidence-based practice is important, but also why it is important to think clearly and carefully about its implications for the social work profession and the users of social work services. Social Work and Evidence-Based Practice will enable practitioners, managers and policy makers to deepen and coordinate their understanding of the key themes in evidence-based practice.
Tabella dei contenuti
1. Introduction: Some Versions of Evidence-Based Practice, David Smith, Lancaster University. 2. What Professionals Need from Research: Beyond Evidence-Based Practice, Jan Fook, La Trobe University. 3. The Extremes of Child Abuse: A Macro Approach to Measuring Effective Prevention, Colin Pritchard, Bournemouth University. 4. Effective Social Work: A Micro Approach – Reducing Truancy, Delinquency and School Exclusions, Colin Pritchard. 5. Domestic Violence: Evidence-led Practice? Julie Taylor-Browne, Kanzeon Consulting. 6. Evidence-Based Practice in Young People’s Substance Misuse Services, Paul Keeling, Karen Kibblewhite and Zoe Smith, Lifeline Project, Manchester. 7. Social Work and Looked After Children, Claire Taylor, University of Nottingham. 8. Practice for What? The Use of Evidence in Social Work with Disabled People, Bob Sapey, Lancaster University. 9. Seven Ways to Misunderstand Evidence-Based Probation, Peter Raynor, University of Wales. The Contributors. Subject Index. Author Index.