In this volume, the relationships between two of the most vital currents in Western thought are examined by a group of nineteen internationally known specialists in a variety of disciplines—classics, patristics, philosophy, theology, history of ideas, and literature. The contributing scholars discuss Neoplatonic theories about God, creation, man, and salvation, in relation to the ways in which they were adopted, adapted, or rejected by major Christian thinkers of five periods: Patristic, Later Greek and Byzantine, Medieval, Renaissance, and Modern.
Contributors include G.-H. Allard, A. Hilary Armstrong, Elizabeth Bieman, Linos Benakis, Henry Blumenthal, Mary T. Clark, Norris Clarke, John Dillon, Cornelio Fabro, John N. Findlay, Maurice de Gandillac, Edward P. Mahoney, Bernard Mc Ginn, Dominic J. O’Meara, John J. O’Meara, Jean Pépin, Mary Carman Rose, Henri-Dominique Saffrey, Charles B. Schmitt, and Gérard Verbeke.
Tabella dei contenuti
Dominic J. O’Meara
Part I: Patristic Thought
1. The Platonic and Christian Ulysses
Jean Pepin
2. Origen’s Doctrine of the Trinity and Some Later Neoplatonic Theories
John Dillon
3. A Neoplatonic Commentary on the Christian Trinity: Marius Victorinus
Mary T. Clark
4. The Neoplatonism of Saint Augustine
John J. O’Meara
Part II: Later Greek and Byzantine Thought
5. Some Later Neoplatonic Views on Divine Creation and the Eternity of the World
Gerard Verbeke
6. John Philoponus and Stephanus of Alexandria: Two Neoplatonic Christian Commentators on Aristotle?
Henry Blumenthal
7. New Objective Links Between the Pseudo-Dionysius and Proclus
Henri-Dominique Saffrey
8. The Problem of General Concepts in Neoplatonism and Byzantine Thought
Linos Benakis
Part III. Medieval Latin Thought
9. The Primacy of Existence in the Thought of Eriugena
G. H. Allard
10. The Overcoming of the Neoplatonic Triad of Being, Life, and Intellect by Thomas Aquinas
Cornelio Fabro
11. The Problem of the Reality and Multiplicity of Divine Ideas in Christian Neoplatonism
Norris Clarke
12. Meister Eckhart on God as Absolute Unity
Bernard Mc Ginn
Part IV. Renaissance Thought
13. Neoplatonism and Christian Thought in the Fifteenth Century (Nicholas of Cusa and Marsilio Ficino)
Maurice de Gandillac
14. Neoplatonism, the Greek Commentators and Renaissance Aristotelianism
Edward P. Mahoney
15. Andreas Camutius on the Concord of Plato and Aristotle with Scripture
Charles B. Schmitt
Part V. Modern Thought
16. Triads and Trinity in the Poetry of Robert Browning
Elizabeth Bieman
17. The Christian Platonism of C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, and Charles Williams
Mary Carman Rose
18. Negative Theology, Myth, and Incarnation
A. Hilary Armstrong
19. Why Christians Should be Platonists
John N. Findlay
Index of Names and Subjects