Autore: Donna Campbell Smith

Donna Campbell Smith worked in the horse industry for over thirty years as an instructor, trainer, breeder and writer. Smith has written The Book of Miniature Horses, The Book of Draft Horses, and The Book of Mules. Smith is a freelance writer and photographer with articles and photographs published in several regional and national magazines including The Horse, Stable Management Magazine, USA Equestrian, Young Rider, The Chronicle of the Horse, Boys Life, The Gaited Horse, Brayer Magazine, The Western Mule, Back Home, Grit Gazette, Our State, Carolina Country and Conquistador.

2 Ebook di Donna Campbell Smith

Donna Campbell Smith: Book of Miniature Horses
As pets or show horses, for driving, therapy, or guide animals, Minis are ideal whether you have limited space or a larger property. The Book of Miniature Horses is full of information on finding and …
Donna Campbell Smith: Book of Donkeys
Donkeys are gaining in popularity across the country. They are used in trail riding, as pets, to guard livestock from coyotes and wild dogs, and as show animals. Donkeys are also used to breed mules, …