Do you ever feel guilty that you aren’t happy or worry that life feels boring or stagnant?
Do you want to live a happier life that brings you closer to spiritual fulfillment?
Discover your Neshama: the divine power that lies within your soul.
At an early age, we learn to devalue ourselves. As a result, most of us die without knowing how special and powerful we are and without experiencing our innate divinity. We cannot find meaning in life when it often revolves around earthly luxuries and pointless commitments.
Yet you were born to do amazing things. You have known that since you were little. This book is designed to help you unlock the success and freedom you already know you are capable of through instructive ideas and practical exercises.
You are inspired by the teachings of Laila Barzeski, Ben Ha’Elohim: a soul loyal to God from the beginning, The Art of Self-Value bridges traditional coaching and spiritual enlightenment. It is a transformative workbook that will help you to change your life for the better. If you are a spiritual seeker on your transformational path, this book will guide, inspire, and support you.
The Universe shall help you make it happen.
Tabella dei contenuti
A Word of
Thanks Glossary
From Laila
Chapter 1: The Journey
1. The silent disease
2. ’Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?’
Chapter 2: The Beginning of all the Beginnings
3. How did I find my Inner Being?
4. Revealing and strengthening the Inner Being
5. Your Inner Being speaks
6. What happens if you do not listen to your Inner Being?
Chapter 3: Your ‘Neshama’s Reshima’
7. The promise and the reality
8. The journey through the lenses of the Neshama
9. Success!
Chapter 4: Why are we here? The primary waning
10. New world order
11. Our Oneness and self-value
Chapter 5: Rebuilding your self-value
12. Know thyself
13. A lesson about Faith
14. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me
15. Creating internal and external space
Chapter 6: The Mahut of life
What is ‘Hibur le Muda’ut Al’ all about?
About the Author