Autore: Dr. Terry Flew

Michael Keane is Professor of Chinese Media and Cultural Studies at Curtin University. He is Program Leader of the Digital China Lab.His key research interests are the digital transformation in China; East Asian cultural and media policy; and creative industries and cultural export strategies in China and East Asia. He is editor of the Handbook of China’s Cultural and Creative Industries (2016), and author of China’s Television Industry (2015), Creative Industries in China: Art, Design and Media (2013), and China’s New Creative Clusters: Governance, Human Capital and Regional Investment (2011).Brian Yecies is Associate Professor in Communication and Media at the University of Wollongong, where he researches on film, digital media, creative industries, innovation ecosystems, and cultural policy. He is the author of Korea’s Occupied Cinemas, 1893-1948 (2011), The Changing Face of Korean Cinema, 1960-2015 (2016), and South Korea”s Immersive Webtooniverse and the New Media Revolution (Rowman and Littlefield International, forthcoming) – co-authored with Ae-Gyung Shim. He is also a chief investigator on two Australian Research Council Discovery Projects: Digital China: From Cultural Presence to Innovative Nation (2017-2019), and Mobile Korean Webtoons: Creative Innovation in a New Digital Economy (2018-2020).Terry Flew is Professor of Communications and Creative Industries, and a Chief Investigator with the Digital Media Research Centre at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. He is the author of The Creative Industries, Culture and Policy (2012), Global Creative Industries (2013), New Media: An Introduction (Oxford, 2014), Understanding Global Media (Palgrave, 2018) and co-author of Media Economics (2015). In 2019-20, he was President of the International Communication Association.

1 Ebook di Dr. Terry Flew

Terry Flew & Michael Keane: Willing Collaborators
Now in paperback, this volume examines this phenomenon, looking at examples from film, documentary, television, animation and games.In recent years, many media producers, screenwriters, technicians a …