Sarah Burd-Sharps served as the deputy director of UNDP”s Human Development Report Office until September 2006.Kristen Lewis was a lead author of the water and sanitation report of the U.N. Millennium Project, led by Jeffrey Sachs, and writes extensively on development, gender, and the environment.Eduardo Borges Martins was the chief statistician in the creation of the Human Development Index for Brazil”s municipalities.The American Human Development Project is an independent, non-profit initiative of Oxfam America, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, and the Social Science Research Council, with additional support from the Annenberg Foundation.
3 Ebook di Eduardo Martins
Sarah Burd-Sharps & Kristen Lewis: The Measure of America
The Measure of America is the first-ever human development report for a wealthy, developed nation. It introduces the American Human Development Index, which provides a single measure of well-being fo …
Eduardo Martins: Higiene Consciencial
A Higiene Consciencial é a Ciência aplicada aos estudos, pesquisas ou técnicas sistemáticas, teáticas, do conjunto de medidas adotadas para evitar a intrusão e permanência de patopensenes no microuni …
Eduardo Martins: 1823
‘Com uma duração breve de seis meses, a Assembleia realizou 148 sessões e foram apresentados 38 projetos de lei, 157 indicações e 237 pareceres, num período marcado por uma intensa mobilização políti …