Autore: Edward Posnett

Edward Posnett was born in London and studied at Cambridge and Oxford before working in the City in financial investigations. Shortly after leaving financial services, he learnt about the Icelandic tradition of eiderdown harvesting in which farmers offer protection to wild sea ducks in return for their valuable lightweight down. Enchanted by its promise of symbiosis and cooperation, he travelled to Iceland and wrote an account of the trade, “Eiderdown”, which won The Bodley Head/Financial Times Essay Prize. His first book, Harvest, builds on this essay, introducing the reader to small harvests around the globe through the stories of seven wondrous objects that can be held in the hand.He lives in Philadelphia and is a keen linguist, swimmer and amateur potter.

3 Ebook di Edward Posnett

Edward Posnett: Die Kunst der Ernte
Die Welt anhand von sieben außergewöhnlichen Rohstoffen erklärt: „Ein Ausnahme-Debüt … Mit Posnett zu reisen ist vergnüglich und lehrreich.“ Robert Macfarlane Ist eine nachhaltige Beziehung zwischen …
Edward Posnett: Strange Harvests
‘Exceptional…a subtle, fascinating braiding of travel, cultural and natural history… It is a pleasure and an education to journey with Posnett in these pages’ ROBERT MACFARLANEIn a centuries-old …
Edward Posnett: Strange Harvests