There’s no curse more terrible than to give birth to a pretty female in a world of men as nasty as dogs in heat One stormswept afternoon, after twenty-one years of being dead, the beautiful Indonesian prostitute Dewi Ayu rises from her grave to avenge a curse placed on her family. Amidst the orange groves and starfruit trees, her children and grandchildren have been living out lives of violence, incest, murder, madness and heartbreak. They are creatures of breathtaking beauty – all but one of them, whose ugliness is unparalleled. And Beauty is her name.Set in the mythical Indonesian town of Halimunda, Beauty is a Wound is a bawdy, epic tale of fearsome women and weak-willed men, communist ghosts and vengeful spirits, chaste princesses and bandit thieves. It is also a satirical portrait of Indonesia’s painful past, journeying through almost a century of brutality, from Dutch colonialism and Japanese occupation to revolution, independence and dictatorship.Weaving together history with local legend, Eka Kurniawan spins a fantastical masterpiece in which tragedy and comedy, darkness and light, dance hand in hand.
Circa l’autore
Eka Kurniawan was born in Tasikmalaya, Indonesia in 1975. He studied philosophy at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta and has since published several novels and short stories. The rights to Beauty is a Wound have now been sold in 27 territories. Vengeance is Mine, All Others Pay Cash is also available from Pushkin Press.