Carmel Pilcher RSJ is a Josephite Sister living in Sydney. She is a liturgical consultant and educator based in Sydney. Carmel is currently a member of the council of Societas Liturgica. She is a member and past president of the Australian Academy of Liturgy. David Orr OSB is a monk of the Benedictine Community at Arcadia, NSW. He has served on both the National and Diocesan Liturgical Commissions. He is a member of the Austra- lian Academy of Liturgy and Societas Liturgica. He continues to write liturgical commen- taries for magazines, including Worship and The Summit. Elizabeth Harrington is a liturgical educator for the Archdiocese of Brisbane and writes a weekly column entitled “Liturgy Lines” in the Catholic newspaper in Brisbane, The Leader.
2 Ebook di Elizabeth Harrington
Elizabeth Harrington & Elizabeth Harrington: Vatican Council II
Sacrosanctum Concilium opened the door to all Christians to understand the contemporary challenge to their life and health, and it started with the reform of the liturgy. In the words of Paul VI the …
Elizabeth Harrington & Elizabeth Harrington: Vatican Council II
Sacrosanctum Concilium opened the door to all Christians to understand the contemporary challenge to their life and health, and it started with the reform of the liturgy. In the words of Paul VI the …