The sixth volume of Swedenborg’s monumental exploration of the Bible, its themes, and meaning.Secrets of Heaven is Emanuel Swedenborg s magnum opus, a fifteen-volume work that delves into the inner, spiritual meaning of the Bible. Starting from the first verse, Swedenborg goes through Genesis and Exodus verse by verse, sometimes word by word, uncovering the fascinating teachings behind the literal account. By engaging in a careful comparison of passages and tracing individual imag...
The sixth volume of Swedenborg’s monumental exploration of the Bible, its themes, and meaning.Secrets of Heaven is Emanuel Swedenborg s magnum opus, a fifteen-volume work that delves into the inner, spiritual meaning of the Bible. Starting from the first verse, Swedenborg goes through Genesis and Exodus verse by verse, sometimes word by word, uncovering the fascinating teachings behind the literal account. By engaging in a careful comparison of passages and tracing individual images and motifs through the Bible, he shows that it contains a profound, coherent, and unified inner meaning.This sixth volume interprets the inner narrative of Genesis 31 35, in which Jacob leaves Laban s house, wrestles with God, and reunites with Esau. These acts, Swedenborg argues, are each symbolic of the inner separations, struggles, and unifications that Jesus accomplished on his path to divinity. Swedenborg continues to explore two themes found in previous volumes: the Last Judgment as the ending of an old church and the beginning of a new church, and the correlation between human individuals and the universal human. This new translation, part of the New Century Edition series, makes Swedenborg s insights into Scripture and his accounts of his spiritual experiences more accessible than ever before.