Handbook of Bioethical Decisions is aimed at addressing and analyzing the most important ethical concerns and moral quandaries arisen in biomedical and scientific research. As such, it identifies and problematizes on a comprehensive range of ethical issues researchers must deal with in different critical contexts. Thus, the
Handbook, Vol. I, may be helpful for them to make decisions and deliberate in complex practical scenarios. In this fashion, the volume reunites different points of view to give readers room enough to get a better knowledge and take their own position on pressing bioethical issues of the day. Consequently, this work
seeks to engender dense ethical epistemology scientists can count on when conducting latest generation biomedical research. By bringing together an impressive array of contributions on the most important elements and categories for “at the bench” bioethical decisions as well as offering chapters by some of the most world renowned and prominent experts in bioethics, the
Handbook, Vol. I, is a paradigmatic text in its area and a valuable resource for courses on bioethics, and biomedical research, as well as courses that discuss ethics and the biosciences at different professional levels, biomedical industry, pharmacological companies and the public sphere in general.
Tabella dei contenuti
Foreword - Peter Singer.- Introduction:
Biomedical Research in One World: Current and Future Challenges.- Part I – Biomedical Research.-
Section One - Genetic and Cell Research.- Chap 1: Learning from Icarus: The Impact of CRISPR on Gene Editing Ethics.- Chap 2: Bioethical Decision Making and Genome Editing.- Chap 3:
Therapeutic Genome Editing.- Chap 4: Bioethical Decision-Making about Somatic Cell Genome Editing: Sickle-Cell Disease as a Case Study.- Chap 5: Gene Therapy and Germline Cells Research.- Chap 6: Bioethical Quandaries in Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis.- Chap 7: Rare Disease Research.- Chap 8: Limits of Debate: Governance of Human Embryo Research and the Making of the Fourteen-Day Rule.- Chap 9 Human/Non-Human Chimeras.- Chap 10: Human Cloning: Recent Advances and Bioethical Issues.-
Section Two -
Enhancement Research.- Chap 11: The Evolutionary Optimality Challenge.- Chap 12: Mood Enhancement.- Chap 13: Superior Sport Performance: Ethical and Legal Issues.- Chap 14: Arguments over Life Extension in Contemporary Bioethics.-
Section Three - Research with Human Biological Samples and Health Data.- Chap 15: Research with Human Biological Samples. Systematization of the Phases and Affected Rights.- Chap 16: Biobanks for Biomedical Research: Evolution and Future.- Chap 17: Biobanking in Global Health & Research.- Chap 18: Ethical and Legal Considerations in Genomic Data Sharing: Evolution of the Discourse and the Road Ahead.-
Section Four - Biomedical Challenges in Research.- Chap 19: Human Challenge Trials in Pandemics: Risks and Benefits.- Chap 20: Ethical Considerations for Vaccine Research.- Chap 21: Global Health Partnerships and Emerging Infectious Disease.- Chap 22: Precision Medicine.- Chap 23: The Development, Implementation, and Oversight of Artificial.- Intelligence in Health Care: Legal and Ethical Issues.-
Part II - Animals, Food and Environment.-
Section One - Using Animals in Scientific Research.- Chap 24: The Use of Animals in Basic Biological Research.- Chap 25: The Use of Animals in the Study of Human Disease: Key Roles of General Ethical Principles.- Chap 26: Ethical Issues Concerning Genetically Modified Animals for the Study of Human Diseases.- Chap 27: Of Mice-Rats and Pig-Men: Ethical Issues in the Development of Human/Nonhuman Chimeras.- Chap 28: Animals in Research in Pharmaceutical Industry.- Chap 29: Animal Use in Toxicity Studies.- Chap 30: Ethical Issues from the Use of Animals in the Cosmetics and Fashion Industries.- Chap 31: Is it Time to Phase Out the Use of all Nonhuman Primates in Invasive Research?.- Chap 32: Growing Human Organs Inside Animals.- Chap 33: Animal Cloning.- Section Two - Decision Making and Alternatives to Animal Use in Research.- Chap 34: Replacement, Reduction and Refinement.- Chap 35: Integrating Human and Nonhuman Research Ethics.- Chap 36: Regulation of Animal Research.-
Section Three - GMOs for Global Challenges.- Chap 37: Ethical Issues in Genetically Modified Foods: From Transgenesis to CRISPR-Cas9 Genome Editing Technology.- Chap 38: GMOs and Human and Environmental Safety.- Chap 39: GMOs and Sustainable Agriculture.
Circa l’autore
Erick Valdés, Ph.D., is Professor of Bioethics and Biolaw, and Senior Research Scholar at the Institute of Science and Innovation in Medicine (ICIM), Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD), Santiago, Chile. He has served as Adjunct Research Professor of Bioethics at Georgetown University, USA; Adjunct Professor of Bioethics at American University, USA, and George Mason University, USA; Associate Professor of International Human Rights at the Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars, USA; and as Visiting Professor at Princeton University, USA. He is President and Founding Member of the International Network of Biolaw. His most recent books are Biolaw, Economics and Sustainable Governance. Addressing the Challenges of a Post-Pandemic World (Routledge, 2022), together with Jacob Dahl Rendtorff; Biolaw: Origins, Doctrine and Juridical Applications on the Biosciences (Springer, 2021); and Bioderecho. Epistemologías y aplicaciones en tiempos de pandemia y riesgo existencial (Tirant lo Blanch, 2021). He also published, together with Juan Alberto Lecaros, Biolaw and Policy in the Twenty-First Century. Building Answers for New Questions (Springer, 2019).
Juan Alberto Lecaros, Ph.D., is Associate Professor and Senior Research Scholar at the Institute of Science and Innovation in Medicine (ICIM), and Director of the Observatory of Bioethics and Law, Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD) Santiago, Chile. He has served as Visiting Professor at Ramón Llull University, Spain, and at University of the Basque Country, Spain. He is Founding Member of the International Network of Biolaw. He is the author of the forthcoming book Filosofía medioambiental: Principios y valores para una ciudadanía ecológica (Comillas, 2023). In 2019, he published, together with Erick Valdés, Biolaw and Policy in the Twenty-First Century. Building Answers for New Questions (Springer), and Ética animal: Fundamentos empíricos, teóricos y dimensión práctica (Comillas), with Bernardo Aguilera and Erick Valdés. He also published Bioética: el pluralismo de la fundamentación (Comillas, 2016), with other two editors.