Thousands of books have been written in many languages about self-development, so what does this book tell you the others do not? Nothing! It says nothing that has not already been said; it has the same message that has always been brought to humanity, but because we are all different and require different ways of learning, this book was created.
Many books about personal development start by explaining how to drop everything we have picked up in our lives until now. Usually, there is a lot that we would like to discard, and it can seem quite overwhelming. I choose to start with the foetus and go the other way. When we understand why we are who we are and live as we do, it will be easier to get rid of the things that we no longer want to be a part of ourselves.
While writing this book I focused on making the message simple. If trying to explain too much, the message often becomes complex and, therefore, more difficult to understand and use in daily life.
Self-development is very much about getting recognition of what you are a part of. It is about getting an overview and seeing a consistency in your life. This overview removes the frustration of not being able to understand your own situation. When this frustration disappears, you get a larger surplus in life. Overview gives a surplus.
Tabella dei contenuti
Prelude, Thanks, Glossary, I am talking to you, Self-development, The truth, Part 1: Consciousness, To be aware of one’s consciousness, Energy and consciousness, All That Is, The love of All That Is, Your growing understanding of yourself, The person and the observer, How the human identity is constructed, The mass consciousness, To live outside the mass consciousness, Food, Money, Addictions, Degeneration of the human body, Feelings or emotions, From a thought world to a feel world, The Brain, From sensing feelings to knowingness, Male and female, Balance, From balance to harmony, Clean up, Communicating with the cells in your body, The stones in the cake box, Karma, The catalyst, Part 2: Illusions, Dimensions, Tiredness, Dreams, Time, Past, present, future, Relationships, Accept yourself as you are, All is well, Conclusion, Part 3: Addendum, Meditation, Vipasana meditation technique, References, About the Author.