Autore: et al

Eriq Oliver Neale is the owner of EON Consulting (, a small business technology consulting practice in Denton, Texas, and a partner in Third Tier (, an organization that provides escalation support for IT organizations around the globe. He is an internationally-recognized Small Business Server expert, and has been awarded the Most Valuable Professional designation for Small Business Server since 2005. Eriq was the lead author for Microsoft Small Business Server 2003 Unleashed, and his other writing credits include contributions to The Internet Unleashed 1997, Windows 2000 Server System Administrator”s Handbook, E-mail Virus Protection Handbook, and several books in both the 2000 and 2003 series MCSE exam preparation series. Eriq is a 20+-year veteran in the IT industry, getting his start with DOS 2.1 and Novell 1.1. Over the course of his career, he has worked with various operating platforms (Microsoft, Apple, Novell, UNIX, Linux, VAX, AS/400), and he has focused on providing integration solutions for differing platforms. He has worked for small organizations, as well as Fortune 500 companies. Eriq”s introduction to the Small Business Server product line came in a one-year stint supporting the product for Microsoft Product Support and Services in Las Colinas, Texas. Since then, he has been focusing on providing solutions to make running and supporting SBS easier. In addition to writing, Eriq maintains two blogs, one technical ( and one business-focused (, and hosts a technology-focused weekly Internet radio program for small business owners ( He speaks regularly at industry conferences and user groups on a variety of SBS-related topics. Eriq is a native Texan and makes his permanent residence in Denton. He is married, and he and his wife have a menagerie of animals for children. When not writing, blogging, or speaking about technology, he can be found attending baseball and women”s college basketball games, writing and recording music, or reading mysteries. Amy Babinchak has officially been in IT since 1994 and unofficially for 10 years prior. Like many IT professionals, she started out helping people around the office and in the college dorm to build and use computers. Her knowledge grew from MS-DOS and the early PC applications into a full-time career, when she made the switch from professional environmentalist working from grant to grant into the world of enterprise IT support. In her career, she has supported MS-DOS, Windows 3.11, Novell, and Mac OS, all the way on up to the current versions. Having started her career in enterprise support, Amy noticed that many small businesses were languishing with poorly conceived networks and lack of consistent support. Excessive travel coerced her into opening her own business in 2000. Amy is now the President of Harbor Computer Services ( to serve small businesses in the metro Detroit area and a Managing Partner in Third Tier (, which provides escalation support services to IT organizations around the world. Harbor Computer Services has been recognized as a Small Business Specialist (SBSC). Amy actively participates in two local user groups and several online newsgroups. She has spoken at…

30 Ebook di et al

David Satterthwaite & et al: Environment for Children
Each year, millions of children die of environmental causes and many more suffer serious illness or injury. Children are often the most vulnerable to the condition of their environment -and their …
David Satterthwaite & et al: Environment for Children
Each year, millions of children die of environmental causes and many more suffer serious illness or injury. Children are often the most vulnerable to the condition of their environment -and their …
U. Rosenthal & et al: Complexity in Urban Crisis Management
First published in 1994. A major air crash destroying a large number of flats in a densely populated suburb shocked the city of Amsterdam and highlighted the dangers of airports in the vicinity of …
U. Rosenthal & et al: Complexity in Urban Crisis Management
First published in 1994. A major air crash destroying a large number of flats in a densely populated suburb shocked the city of Amsterdam and highlighted the dangers of airports in the vicinity of …
James Benhin & Ariel Dinar: Climate Change and Agriculture in Africa
”This is a well researched, thorough and impressive work on climate change and agriculture in Africa. I recommend it to students, researchers and practitioners working on climate change issues” Jab …
James Benhin & Ariel Dinar: Climate Change and Agriculture in Africa
”This is a well researched, thorough and impressive work on climate change and agriculture in Africa. I recommend it to students, researchers and practitioners working on climate change issues” Jab …
R. Raiswell & et et al: Environmental Chemistry
Environmental Chemistry provides an introduction to fundamental concepts in environmental chemistry. The book emerged from a short lecture and practical course given to first year students in the …
Paul Ashcroft & Fiona Barrie: Human Rights in the Courts
Contains the text of the Human Rights Act 1998, the Articles and Protocols together with a concise explanation of key points This centrally important handbook is of particular throughout 2000 as …
Nick Flynn & et al: Introduction to Prisons and Imprisonment
This excellent addition to the Waterside Press Introductory Series includes easy to read chapters on:o The History of Imprisonment in England and Waleso Prison Conditionso The Prison Population; ando …
Charlotte Chandler: It’s Only a Movie
North by Northwest. Psycho. Rear Window. The Birds. Vertigo. When it comes to murder and mayhem, shock and suspense, the films of Alfred Hitchcock can not be surpassed. For this book, Charlotte …
Jonathan Maberry: Don’t Turn Out the Lights
Featuring stories from R.L. Stine and Madeleine Roux, this middle grade horror anthology, curated by New York Times bestselling author and master of macabre Jonathan Maberry, is a chilling tribute to …
R.F. Azevedo & E.A. Vargas: Applications of Computational Mechanics in Geotechnical Engineering
The development of constitutive relations for geotechnical materials, with the help of numerical models, have increased notably the ability to predict and to interpret mechanical behaviour of …
R.F. Azevedo & E.A. Vargas: Applications of Computational Mechanics in Geotechnical Engineering
The development of constitutive relations for geotechnical materials, with the help of numerical models, have increased notably the ability to predict and to interpret mechanical behaviour of …
Jos H. Peters & et al: Artificial Recharge of Groundwater
This text covers the proceedings of the third International Symposium – TISAR 98, held in Amsterdam. Topics include: basin recharge; water management in arid regions; behaviour of pollutants; bank, …
Jos H. Peters & et al: Artificial Recharge of Groundwater
This text covers the proceedings of the third International Symposium – TISAR 98, held in Amsterdam. Topics include: basin recharge; water management in arid regions; behaviour of pollutants; bank, …
J.F. Thimus & et al: Poromechanics
This text features 105 papers dealing with the fundamentals and the applications of poromechanics from the Biot conference of 1998, held in Louvain-la-Neuve. Topics include: wave propogation; …
J.F. Thimus & et al: Poromechanics
This text features 105 papers dealing with the fundamentals and the applications of poromechanics from the Biot conference of 1998, held in Louvain-la-Neuve. Topics include: wave propogation; …
Stephen Bentley & et al: Entre nosotros, la muerte
¿Quién iba a decir que la muerte podría ser tan ecléctica? Disfrute de esta fascinante colección de cuentos. Tanto en la literatura como en las películas, el tema de la muerte y el misterio han …
Stephen Bentley & et al: Fra noi e la morte
Chi lo avrebbe detto che la morte potesse essere così eclettica? Godetevi quest”intrigante cocktail di racconti gialli. Il genere giallo è dà sempre un caposaldo del cinema e della letteratura. …
et al & Alison Buck: [Re]Awakenings
Expect a life-changing experience [Re]Awakenings are the starting points for life-changing experiences; a new plane of existence, an alternate reality or cyber-reality. This genre-spanning a …
et al: Quaderni del CIRM
Prodotto del nutrito e variegato gruppo di lavoro che costituisce il Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sulle Metafore, i Quaderni del CIRM ne rispettano pienamente la natura eterogenea per …
Rokani Lawrence: Aquaculture Business: Investing In Fish Production
Unlock the Secrets to Profitable Aquaculture and Fish Farming TODAY!  Our comprehensive e Book provides data-driven insights and proven strategies to maximize your aquaculture yields and …
et al: Stendhal, De l’Amour
Ce volume rend compte d’un colloque qui a eu lieu à la Fondazione Primoli à l’occasion du bicentenaire de la publication de  De l’Amour, un ouvrage de Stendhal difficilement classable. À la …
et al: DigitCult. Vol 8, no 2 (2023)
Digit Cult is an academic journal of international scope, double-blind peer-reviewed and open access, aiming to value international research and to present current debate on digital culture, …
Rokani Lawrence: Business Ideas for 21st Centuary Entrepreneurs: 50+ Profitable Business Ventures.
This comprehensive ebook presents over 50 carefully curated business ideas tailored specifically for those seeking to unleash their entrepreneurial spirit during their midlife years. This book …
et al: Βασικά κείμενα φιλοσοφίας
Στο βιβλίο αυτό περιλαμβάνονται κείμενα τα οποία πραγματεύονται θεματικές πολύ σημαντικές για τη φιλοσοφία – για τούτο και ο τίτλος του Βασικά κείμενα φιλοσοφίας. Στο πλαίσιο του πρώτου κειμένου, …
et al: Η κρίση και τα ΜΜΕ
Συγγραφείς: Νίκος Λέανδρος, Μανώλης Χαιρετάκης, Γιώργος Πλειός, Στέλιος Παπαθανασόπουλος, Αχιλλέας Καραδημητρίου, Ήλια Έχτλερ, Δημήτρης Σουλιώτης, Κάλλη Ζάραλη, Χρήστος Α. Φραγκονικολόπουλος, Ιωάννα …
et al: 1861/1961: un secolo di circuitazione teatrale in Italia
Il volume indaga la circuitazione in Italia delle compagnie teatrali nel periodo compreso tra il fenomeno del Grande Attore e l’affermarsi della regia. Attraverso la ricostruzione delle …
Various: Il mondo ha perso la bussola
L’evoluzione nel mondo postglobale è il cuore del Rapporto di quest’anno, un’utile guida per leggere i fatti senza farsi trarre in inganno dagli eventi quotidiani e senza semplificare le possibili …
Susan Barker & J K Chukwu: Of the Flesh
Fear never dies…These stories from eighteen masters of the craft will curdle your blood, haunt your dreams and redefine terror.An exploited child worker in the silver mines of Bolivia finds an ally …