During the crazy latter days of the Vietnam War, many young travelers wandered about doing drugs, having sex, sleeping out, and back-packing through Europe, North Africa, and Asia. As a young man coming of age, just out of college, with no clear future and unable to pay rent, the bushy-red-haired Woodstock joins these revelers to wander the world, searching for his soul.
Upon beating the Draft, he crosses the Atlantic to the Old World in October 1970 without any particular itinerary, no set time to come “home” and not much money. He finds God everywhere no matter how hard he tries to hide and look away. During his year-long journey, his spontaneous, free-wheeling adventures of raucous, hilarious incidents all weigh heavily against his need to come home and grow up.
Come along for this unforgettable adventure of a lifetime.
Tabella dei contenuti
Chapter 1: Woodstock
Chapter 2: Europe – Amsterdam
Chapter 3: London to France to Spain
Chapter 4: Spain and the Balearic Islands
Chapter 5: Spain to Gibraltar
Chapter 6: Morocco
Chapter 7: Morocco to Algerian Border
Chapter 8: Algeria to Sicily
Chapter 9: Sicily to Rome to Israel
Chapter 10: Israel Part 1 – The Kibbutz
Chapter 11: Israel—Part 2
Chapter 12: Cyprus to Lebanon
Chapter 13: Syria, Turkey, Iran
Chapter 14: Afghanistan and Pakistan – Part 1
Chapter 15: India Part 1 – Kashmir
Chapter 16: India Part 2 – Dalai Lama
Chapter 17: Kathmandu, Nepal
Chapter 18: India Part 3 – Banares
Chapter 19: Pakistan, Afghanistan – Part 2
Chapter 20: Iran and Turkey – Part 2
Chapter 21: Europe to America
Circa l’autore
Steve Reifman is a practicing lawyer and businessman. He took a journey similar in time and place to that of the main character, Woodstock, in Wanderer. Steve was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, in 1948, and has three children, two grandchildren, and an enduring, love-filled marriage of over forty years.