J.-F.Bonneville is a Professor of Neuroradiology, former Head of the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology at the University Hospital of Besançon, France. He is presently an Invited Professor in Professor A.Beckers’ Department of Endocrinology at the University Hospital of Liège, Belgium. Professor J.-F. Bonneville has been involved in imaging of the pituitary region since he was a fellow at the Hospital of Pitié Salpetrière in Paris. He is the author of more than 60 peer review papers solely devoted to CT and MRI of the pituitary gland and of two major books, “Radiology of the Sella Turcica” and “Computed Tomography of the Pituitary Gland”, considered at the time as two essential references. Professor Bonneville is well known for his original approach to the diagnosis of patients suspected of pituitary diseases, in closely combining clinical, biological and imaging data. He is recognized all over the word as an undisputed expert in the field of MRI of the Pituitary Gland.
4 Ebook di Fabrice Bonneville
Jean-François Bonneville & Fabrice Bonneville: MRI of the Pituitary Gland
This clinically oriented book will familiarize the reader with all aspects of the diagnosis of tumors and other disorders of the pituitary gland by means of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The cove …
College des enseignants de radiologie de: Radiologie
Cet Abrégé « Connaissances et Pratique » comporte deux parties : La première partie « Connaissances » développe environ 200 items du programme pour lesquels la radiologie est souvent la clé du diagno …
College National des Enseignants de Biop & College des enseignants de radiologie de: Imagerie médicale
En parfaite cohérence avec le programme de DFASM et les ECNi, cet ouvrage rassemble les connaissances fondamentales relatives à l’imagerie médicale. Il aborde tous les items relevant de cette spécial …
Francois Cotton: Imagerie des urgences neuroradiologiques
La survenue brutale d’un deficit neurologique oriente toujours vers la realisation en urgence d’une imagerie du systeme nerveux central par scanner ou IRM. Cet examen sera crucial pour la prise en ch …