Autore: Fabrizio Martire

Adrian Scribano is the Director of the Centre for Sociological Research and Studies and a Principal Researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina. He is also the Director of the Latin American Journal of Studies on Bodies, Emotions, and Society. He is Chercheur Associé LEIRIS Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 au Département de sociologie de l’UFR 5 and Adjunct Professor at Torrens University Australia. Silvia Cataldi is an Associate Professor of sociology at the Department of Development and Socialization processes of Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). Since her Ph D, she teaches sociology and research methods at bachelor’s and master’s degree courses and doctoral schools. She addresses her research on solidarity actions, with a focus on the empowerment of most vulnerable targets and prison environment, through projects financed by the European Commission. She is the coordinator of the International Sociological Association’s TG12 Social Love and Solidarity, board member of the European Sociological Association’s Research Network—Qualitative Methods (RN20), and coordinator of the international research network Social-One. Fabrizio Martire (Ph D) is Full Professor of Sociology at the Department of Communication and Social Research, Sapienza University of Rome. Among his main scientific interests are sociological theory, history of sociology and social research, methodology of social research (with a specific focus on data collection strategies and techniques), public opinion analysis, and evaluation (with a specific focus on quality of social research outputs). On these issues he has organized and supervised several scientific projects, publishing almost 80 essays (monographs, edited volumes, articles in Italian and international journals, chapters). He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Research Network—Quantitative Methods (RN21) of the European Sociological Association (since 2019). Since 2021, he is the Director of the BA program in “Communication, technologies and digital cultures” at Sapienza University of Rome.

3 Ebook di Fabrizio Martire

Francesca Comunello & Fabrizio Martire: What People Leave Behind
This open access book focuses on a particular but significant topic in the social sciences: the concepts of "footprint" and "trace". It associates these concepts with hotly debate …
Adrian Scribano & Silvia Cataldi: Sensibilities and Emotion on Trans-Globalisation Era
The Pandemic, the wars, the crisis of political institutions, and the expansion of the intensive use of social networks have impacted the elaboration of phantoms and fantasies that emerge from the mo …
Silvia Cataldi & Fabrizio Martire: Sensibilities and Emotion on Trans-Globalisation Era
The Pandemic, the wars, the crisis of political institutions, and the expansion of the intensive use of social networks have impacted the elaboration of phantoms and fantasies that emerge from the mo …