Autore: Florian Kerschbaumer

Tobias Winnerling (M.A.) lehrt Geschichte an der Universität Düsseldorf.

5 Ebook di Florian Kerschbaumer

Florian Kerschbaumer & Tobias Winnerling: Frühe Neuzeit im Videospiel
»Geschichte« ist zu einem wichtigen Stoff für Videospiele geworden – und trotz ihrer Bedeutung für die populäre Darstellung historischer Inhalte ist sie bislang kaum aufgearbeitet. Obwohl viele Spiel …
Peter Geiss & Peter Arnold Heuser: Friedensordnungen in geschichtswissenschaftlicher und geschichtsdidaktischer Perspektive
How was peace brought about at different time periods? What methods were employed in attempts to secure peace? The entries within this volume provide answers to these questions, focusing on the perio …
Florian Kerschbaumer & Tobias Winnerling: Early Modernity and Video Games
We cannot think of modern society without also thinking of video games. And we cannot think of video games without thinking of history either. Games that deal with history are sold in ever-increasing …
Marten (University of Luxembourg) During & Florian (University of Klagenfurt, Austria) Kerschbaumer: The Power of Networks
The Power of Networks describes a typology of network-based research practices in the historical disciplines, ranging from the use of quantitative network analysis in cultural, economic, social or po …
Marten (University of Luxembourg) During & Florian (University of Klagenfurt, Austria) Kerschbaumer: The Power of Networks
The Power of Networks describes a typology of network-based research practices in the historical disciplines, ranging from the use of quantitative network analysis in cultural, economic, social or po …