Untangling Future Memories is a sci-fi story set in 2032. Jack, a young adult, lost his short-term memory because of an accident at age thirteen. Cody Jaeckel, director of the Ultragenetic Institute, devises a grand design for uploading Jacks mindhe is genetically endowed with remarkable innate intelligenceand downloading it to a host of citizens for work in factories, corporations, services, hospitals, schools, and homes. Dr. Jaeckel believes the recipients of Jacks mind will prove supremely qualified for relatively simple, repetitive labor, thus providing an income for citizens who lost their jobs because of downsizing, cheap labor abroad, and robots. Jack, however, undergoes a self-healing process that puts a strain on Dr. Jaeckels project. Complexities arise, ambiguities and paradoxical issues abound, leaving Dr. Jaeckel, Jack, and the institutes investors in a bind, which leads to a bizarre turn of events.
Circa l’autore
About the Author:
Floyd Merrell is a retired professor of Latin American Studies from Purdue University. He was fortunate enough to write thirty-two professional books and over two hundred articles. After retirement, he still had a hankering to write. Following extensive deliberation, he opted to give fiction a try. His works include Finding Himself (coming of age), Looking Glass Killer (a psychopathic mind), The Dilemma (perplexing ethnic interrelations), and Enigmas (searching for gold in the Sierra Madre of Mexico, space-time warps, and strange aliens). Each novel bears a new theme, from personal self-consciousness becoming, to puzzling psycho-socio-cultural conundrums, to ethnic identity puzzles and paradoxes, to scientific facts and fictions. He now resides with his wife, Araceli, in Las Cruces, New Mexico.