Dr. Frederic R. Siegel is Professor Emeritus at The George Washington University. His books Applied Geochemistry (1974), Geoquimica Aplicada (1991), Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards in Development Planning (1996), Environmental Geochemistry of Potentially Toxic Metals (2001/2002), Demands of Expanding Populations and Development Planning (2008), Countering 21st Century Social-Environmental Threats to Growing Global Populations (2015), Mitigation of dangers from Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards (2016), and Cities and Mega-Cities (2018) reflect Dr. Siegel’s cumulative teaching and research experience in theoretical and applied exploration and environmental geochemistry, and his work to alleviate or eliminate environmental problems related to physical, social, chemical, and economic conditions associated with planned development projects.
7 Ebook di Frederic R. Siegel
Frederic R. Siegel: Adaptations of Coastal Cities to Global Warming, Sea Level Rise, Climate Change and Endemic Hazards
This book discusses the identification of, solutions to, and management of threats to high population coastal cities and their seaports from global warming, climate change and endemic hazards. T …
Frederic R. Siegel: Countering 21st Century Social-Environmental Threats to Growing Global Populations
This book brings together in a single volume a grand overview of solutions – political, economic, and scientific – to social and environmental problems that are related to the growth of human populat …
Frederic R. Siegel: Mitigation of Dangers from Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards
This book advances a three-step program for mitigation of natural and anthropogenic hazards, addressing mitigation economics and funding possibilities to meet the needs of at risk countries that lack …
Frederic R. Siegel: Cities and Mega-Cities
This book discusses existing and future global problems of physical, chemical, biological and societal origins faced by increasingly populated cities and mega-cities, and options to mitigate or elimi …
Frederic R. Siegel: Demands of Expanding Populations and Development Planning
Population: Answering the Needs and Demands The world’s human populationis 6. 6+ billion people and growing(by 80 million in 2005). Most of the growth is in less developed nations. The Population Ref …
Frederic R. Siegel: The Earth’s Human Carrying Capacity
This book focuses on the Earth’s carrying capacity to service the needs of its human populations as well as preserve the ecosystems that provide natural resources that sustain life and support human …