Discover the technology for the next generation of radar systems
Here is the first book that brings together the key concepts
essential for the application of Knowledge Based Systems (KBS) to
radar detection, tracking, classification, and scheduling. The book
highlights the latest advances in both KBS and radar signal and
data processing, presenting a range of perspectives and innovative
results that have set the stage for the next generation of adaptive
radar systems.
The book begins with a chapter introducing the concept of
Knowledge Based (KB) radar.
The remaining nine chapters focus on current developments and
recent applications of KB concepts to specific radar functions.
Among the key topics explored are:
* Fundamentals of relevant KB techniques
* KB solutions as they apply to the general radar problem
* KBS applications for the constant false-alarm rate processor
* KB control for space-time adaptive processing
* KB techniques applied to existing radar systems
* Integrated end-to-end radar signals
* Data processing with overarching KB control
All chapters are self-contained, enabling readers to focus on
those topics of greatest interest. Each one begins with
introductory remarks, moves on to detailed discussions and
analysis, and ends with a list of references. Throughout the
presentation, the authors offer examples of how KBS works and how
it can dramatically improve radar performance and capability.
Moreover, the authors forecast the impact of KB technology on
future systems, including important civilian, military, and
homeland defense applications.
With chapters contributed by leading international researchers
and pioneers in the field, this text is recommended for both
students and professionals in radar and sonar detection, tracking,
and classification and radar resource management.
Tabella dei contenuti
1. Introduction (Fulvio Gini and Muralidhar Rangaswamy).
2. Cognitive Radar (Simon Haykin)
3. Knowledge-Based Radar Signal and Data Processing: A Tutorial
Overview (Gerard T. Capraro, Alfonso Farina, Hugh D. Griffiths, and
Michael C. Wicks).
4. An Overview of Knowledge-Aided Adaptive Radar at DARPA and
Beyond (Joseph R. Guerci and Edward J. Baranoski).
5. Space-Time Adaptive Processing for Airborne Radar: A
Knowledge-Based Perspective (Michael C. Wicks, Muralidhar
Rangaswamy, Raviraj S. Adve, and Todd B. Hale).
6. CFAR Knowledge-Aided Radar Detection and its Demonstration
Using Measured Airborne Data (Christopher T. Capraro, Gerard T.
Capraro, Antonio De Maio, Alfonso Farina, and Michael C.
7. STAP via Knowledge-Aided Covariance Estimation and the FRACA
Meta-Algorithms (Shannon D. Blunt, Karl Gerlach, Muralidhar
Rangaswamy, and Aaron K. Shackelford).
8. Knowledge-Based Radar Tracking (Alessio Benavoli, Luigi
Chisci, Alfonso Farina, Sandro Immediata, and Luca Timmoneri).
9. Knowledge-Based Radar Target Classification (Igal Bilik and
Joseph Tabrikian).
10. Multifunction Radar Resource Management (Sergio Luis de
Carvalho Miranda, Chris J. Baker, Karl Woodbridge and Hugh D.
Circa l’autore
Fulvio Gini, Ph D, IEEE Fellow, is a Full Professor at the
University of Pisa, Italy. He was the technical program cochairman
of the 2006 EURASIP Signal and Image Processing Conference
(Florence, Italy) and the 2008 IEEE Radar Conference (Rome, Italy).
His research interests include radar signal processing;
cyclostationary signal analysis; non-Gaussian signal modeling,
detection, and estimation; and parameter estimation and data
extraction from multichannel interferometric SAR data. Professor
Gini has coauthored more than eighty refereed journal papers, more
than eighty conference papers, and three book chapters.
Muralidhar Rangaswamy, Ph D, IEEE Fellow, is the Technical
Advisor for the Radar Signal Processing Branch at the Sensors
Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). His
research interests include radar signal processing, spectrum
estimation, modeling non-Gaussian interference phenomena, and
statistical communication theory. Dr. Rangaswamy has coauthored
more than eighty refereed journal and conference papers. In
addition, he is a contributor to three books and a coinventor on
two U.S. patents.