As children of God, we face Satan and his deceptions daily. Maybe even more than we realize. Satan’s deceptions are very subtle. He uses our selfishness, pride, and sinful nature to create havoc in our lives. We are all born in sin and have that sinful nature (Psalm 51:5). Eve knew right from wrong. She knew not to eat from the tree of life and even told Satan that the tree was forbidden (Genesis 3). After she ate it, she gave some to Adam. When God asked her what she had done, she said the serpent beguiled her. Adam was not deceived, but Eve was (I Timothy 2:14). Satan is very cunning. Th e reality is that sometimes it is Satan leading us, but once we recognize it is Satan, then we must ask God to show us the way
back to Him.
Only God helps us recognize when Satan is around and shows us how to return to God and have peace again. We are not here for our pleasure, to acquire large bank accounts, to build the biggest house, or drive the newest car on the market. We were born to serve the Lord.
Circa l’autore
Gail was the third child of four children. She was born to J.L. and Vivian Glass. Her father was a Baptist deacon for over 50 years. She was raised in a loving Christian home. Because of this, she found the Lord as her Savior at an early age.
For almost twenty–five years, God blessed her to own and work in a Bible Bookstore in a small town in southern Arkansas.