This book addresses the buying organizations’ perspective on risks, relationships and success factors for accomplishing a successful IT Outsourcing (ITO). Today’s landscape in ITO is complex and these perspectives are important in ITO and therefore there is still a need for it to be further explored. Furthermore the studies concerned the risks, relationships and success factors in ITO need to be extended in more large companies from different countries to better understand how we could improve the ITO in these companies. In order to address this issue the authors of this book have performed different studies that span about 10 years concerning the risks, relationships and success factors in ITO in large companies in Sweden. The authors have focused on both theoretical and practical aspects concerning risks, relationships and success factors in ITO and they have used transaction cost theory, agency theory and core competency theory as main theories to support their research. The data concerning this study has been collected at two different times during the last 10 years with about five years’ difference between them. In this way the performed research has enabled a comparison of the data collected on two different periods in time including of the related changes. The book will help researchers in ITO as well as practitioners like ITO decision makers in large companies to understand how to mitigate the ITO risks, improve their ITO relationships and identify the ITO success factors.
Tabella dei contenuti
IT Outsourcing: Definition, Importance, Trends and Research.- Research Background.- Research Process.- Research Results.- Contributions, Limitations, and Further Research.
Circa l’autore
Georg Hodosi, Ph D., is an affiliate researcher at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden. He has a Ph.D. and a Ph.Lic. in Computer and Systems Sciences from Stockholm University, an M.Sc. in Engineering from Lund University, and an M.Sc. in Education in Technology and Mathematics from Stockholm Institute of Education. He has more than 25 years of professional experience in companies like Ericsson in Sweden and Mannesmann in Germany in different areas such as strategic sourcing, project management, quality assurance, line management and software development. His research interest is in IT outsourcing and he has about 15 years’ experience within outsourcing and insourcing.
Lazar Rusu, Ph D., is Professor at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden. He is involved in teaching and research in IT management and has a professional experience of over 30 years both industrial and academic in the information systems area. His research interest is mainly in IT governance, business-IT alignment and IT outsourcing. The results of his research have been published in proceedings of top international conferences like ECIS, HICSS, AMCIS, PACIS, ISD and journals like Computers in Human Behavior, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Information Systems Management, Journal of Global Information Technology Management, Journal of Information Technology Theory and Applications, among others. He is an author of a number of book chapters and co-editor of the following books published by Springer: Information Technology Governance in Public Organizations – Theory and Practice, 2017 and Information Systems, E-Learning, and Knowledge Management Research, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 278, 2012.