Get some good grammar practice-and start speaking and writingwell
Good grammar is important, whether you want to advance yourcareer, boost your GPA, or increase your SAT or ACT score. Practiceis the key to improving your grammar skills, and that’s what thisworkbook is all about. Honing speaking and writing skills throughcontinued practice translates into everyday situations, such aswriting papers, giving presentations, and communicating effectivelyin the workplace or classroom.
In English Grammar Workbook For Dummies you’ll findhundreds of fun problems to help build your grammar muscles. Justturn to a topic you need help with-from punctuation and pronouns topossessives and parallel structure-and get out your pencil. Withjust a little practice every day, you’ll be speaking correctly, writing confidently, and getting the recognition you deserve atwork or at school.
* Hundreds of practice exercises and helpful explanations
* Explanations mirror teaching methods and classroomprotocols
* Focused, modular content presented in step-by-step lessons
English Grammar Workbook For Dummies will empower you tostructure sentences correctly, make subject and verbs agree, anduse tricky punctuation marks such as commas, semicolons, andapostrophes without fear.
Tabella dei contenuti
Introduction 1
Part I: Building a Firm Foundation: Grammar Basics 5
Chapter 1: Finding the Right Verb at the Right Time 7
Chapter 2: Got a Match? Pairing Subjects and Verbs Correctly23
Chapter 3: Who Is She, and What Is It? Pronoun Basics 39
Chapter 4: Having It All: Writing Complete Sentences 53
Part II: Mastering Mechanics 71
Chapter 5: Pausing to Consider the Comma 73
Chapter 6: A Hook That Can Catch You: Apostrophes 87
Chapter 7: ‘Let Me Speak!’ Quotation Marks 97
Chapter 8: Hitting the Big Time: Capital Letters 107
Part III: Applying Proper Grammar in Tricky Situations117
Chapter 9: Choosing the Best Pronoun: Case, Number, and Clarity119
Chapter 10: Tensing Up: Choosing the Right Verb for Tricky Sentences 143
Chapter 11: Are You and Your Verbs in the Right Mood? 157
Chapter 12: Writing for Electronic Media 165
Part IV: Upping the Interest: Describing and Comparing175
Chapter 13: Writing Good or Well: Adjectives and Adverbs 177
Chapter 14: Going on Location: Placing Descriptions Correctly187
Chapter 15: For Better or Worse: Forming Comparisons 201
Part V: Improving Your Writing Style 219
Chapter 16: Staying on Track: Parallel Writing 221
Chapter 17: The Writing Diet: Adding Spice and Cutting Fat from Your Sentences 237
Chapter 18: Steering Clear of Tricky Word Traps 247
Part VI: The Part of Tens 259
Chapter 19: Ten Overcorrections 261
Chapter 20: Ten Errors to Avoid at All Costs 265
Appendix: Grabbing Grammar Goofs 269
Index 299
Circa l’autore
Geraldine Woods is a high school English teacher and author of more than 40 books.