Christophe Hulet, MD, Ph D, is Professor in Orthopedics and Traumatology at Caen University Hospital, Caen, France, where he is Head of the Orthopedics Department and Director of the Outpatient Surgical Unit. He has been Surgical College President of CAEN CHU since 2010. Dr. Hulet gained a Master’s Degree in Biological Sciences and Medical Anatomy from the University of Caen in 1991. In 1993 he presented his MD thesis on “cysts of the lateral meniscus” and in the same year he was awarded his Competence in General Surgery and Diploma of Specialized Studies in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. He subsequently gained his doctorate from the University of Caen and was appointed a University Professor in 2003. Dr. Hulet has held a variety of important positions, including as a member of the Basic Science Committee of ESSKA from 2010 to 2014, a member of the Knee Committee of ESSKA from 2012 to 2014, President of the Arthroscopy Committee of ESSKA from 2014 to 2016, and President ofthe French Society of Arthroscopy (Société Française d’Arthroscopie) from 2009 to 2011. He is the author of 140 articles in peer-reviewed JCR-listed journals.
1 Ebook di Giuseppe Peretti
Christophe Hulet & Helder Pereira: Surgery of the Meniscus
This book, published in cooperation with ESSKA, provides an exhaustive review of the meniscus and its pathology, covering all aspects from the basic science of the normal meniscus to clinical and im …