Richard Mc Kenzie is the Walter B. Gerken Professor of Economics and Management at the Merage School of Business, University of California, Irvine. He has written over thirty academic and general-audience books. He is also co-author with Dwight Lee of a widely used textbook, Microeconomics for MBAs: The Economic Way of Thinking for Managers. His book with Gordon Tullock, The New World of Economics, has been used over the years in most of the country’s leading colleges and universities and has been translated into several languages. Professor Mc Kenzie’s most recent general-audience book is HEAVY! – The Surprising Reasons America Is the Land of the Free — And the Home of the Fat.Gordon Tullock is a University Professor (Emeritus) of Law and Economics and Distinguished Research Fellow at the James M. Buchanan Center for Political Economy, George Mason University. He is one of the founders of public choice economics and has done pioneering work in the political economy of rent seeking, as well as any number of economic subdisciplines that emerged during his long academic career. His book The Calculus of Consent, which he coauthored with James Buchanan, is a widely acknowledged classic in economics, first published a half-century ago.
4 Ebook di Gordon Tullock
Richard B. McKenzie & Gordon Tullock: The New World of Economics
The New World of Economics, 6th edition, by Richard Mc Kenzie and Gordon Tullock, represents a revival of a classic text that, when it was first published, changed substantially the way economics wou …
Gordon Tullock: Open Secrets Of American Foreign Policy
American foreign policy is a dynamic and often controversial field, and is currently a topic of deep interest given recent developments in the Middle East, North Korea and China. In order to understa …
Gordon Tullock: American Foreign Affairs: A Compact History
This book provides a compact history of the gradual development of the US into a great power. Most histories of US foreign policy and development concentrate either on economic growth or on relations …
Gordon Tullock: Public Goods, Redistribution and Rent Seeking
Gordon Tullock, eminent political economist and one of the founders of public choice, offers this new and fascinating look at how governments and externalities are linked. Economists frequently justi …