Autore: Guido Bondolfi

Giampiero Arciero is Director of the Institute of Constructivist Psychology and Psychotherapy of Rome (IPRA) and works as a Consultant at the Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital of Geneva. He also collaborates with the Psychiatric Neuroscience Group, University of Bari, Italy. His publications include Experience, Explanation, and the Quest for Coherence (2000) in Neimeyer A.R., Raskin D.J. (Eds), Constructions of Disorder. Identity, Personality and Emotional Regulation (2004) in Freeman, A., Mahoney, M. J., & De Vito, P. (Eds.). Cognition and psychotherapy (2nd ed.). He is the author of Studi e dialoghi sull”identità personale (2002), Estudios y Dialogos sobre la identidad personal (2 edition)(2005), Sulle Tracce di Se”(2006) Tras las huellas de sí mismo (2009). Guido Bondolfi is a psychiatrist, psychotherapist and a mindfulness instructor (MBCT and MBSR). He is “Chargé de Cours” at the Medical School of the University of Geneva (Switzerland) where he teaches Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. As head of a “Secteur” and of a specialized programme for depressive disorders at the Department of Psychiatry of the Geneva University Hospitals, Guido Bondolfi”s research interests include cognitive psychotherapy, mood disorders and pathological gambling. He is the author of more than fifty peer reviewed publications and of a book: “Traitement intégré de la dépression : de la résistance à la prévention de la rechute” (2004).

4 Ebook di Guido Bondolfi

Giampiero Arciero & Guido Bondolfi: Selfhood, Identity and Personality Styles
A key text for Psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, as well as trainees in the area. Presenting a clinical model which has close connections with American constructivist psychotherapy and …
Giampiero Arciero & Guido Bondolfi: The Foundations of Phenomenological Psychotherapy
This book addresses selected central questions in phenomenological psychology, a discipline that investigates the experience of self that emerges over the course of an individual’s life, while also o …
Guido Bondolfi & Suzy Soumaille: J”ai envie de comprendre…L”anxiété et les troubles anxieux
À petites doses, l’anxiété est normale et même nécessaire. Elle nous protège contre les dangers et nous booste avant une échéance. Toutefois, quand elle se fait excessive, cette émotion devient nuisi …
Guido Bondolfi & Adrien Zerbini: J”ai envie de comprendre…La méditation de pleine conscience (mindfulness)
Pour mieux vivre avec une maladie chronique ou réduire les risques de rechute dépressive, se défaire d’addictions ou encore de troubles alimentaires ou du sommeil, la méditation de pleine conscience …