After receiving his Ph D in 1967, Günter Ludyk habilitated and has been appointed „Scientific Advisor and Professor“ (associate professor) of the Technical University of Berlin in 1970. In 1971 he has been a visiting professor at the Technical University of Graz/Austrial. Since 1972 he is a Full Professor at the Physics/Electrical Engineering Faculty of the University of Bremen. His area of research includes the theory of dynamical systems and the application of interval mathematics to generate high-precision results. He published various books on these topics both in German and English, e. g. “Time-Variant Discrete-Time-Systems” in 1981 and “Stability of Time-Variant Discrete-Time Systems” in 1985.
8 Ebook di Gunter Ludyk
Günter Ludyk: Quantum Mechanics in Matrix Form
This book gives an introduction to quantum mechanics with the matrix method. Heisenberg’s matrix mechanics is described in detail. The fundamental equations are derived by algebraic methods using mat …
Günter Ludyk: Einstein in Matrix Form
This book is an introduction to the theories of Special and General Relativity. The target audience are physicists, engineers and applied scientists who are looking for an understandable introduction …
Gunter Ludyk: Relativitätstheorie nur mit Matrizen
Dieses Buch bietet eine Einführung in die spezielle und allgemeine Relativitätstheorie für Physiker, Ingenieure und andere Naturwissenschaftler, die einen Einstieg in das Thema suchen, ohne sich in z …
Gunter Ludyk: Quantenmechanik nur mit Matrizen
Das Buch gibt eine Einführung in die Quantenmechanik mittels Matrizenrechnung. Heisenbergs Matrizenmechanik ist darin ausführlich beschrieben und die grundlegenden Gleichungen werden mit algebraische …