Guy B. Marin is professor in Chemical Reaction Engineering at Ghent University (Belgium) and directs the Laboratory for Chemical Technology. The investigation of chemical kinetics constitutes the core of his research. He has co-authored more than 600 papers in high impact journals and is co-inventor in 3 patents. He is editor-in-chief of “Advances in Chemical Engineering”, co-editor of the “Chemical Engineering Journal” and member of the editorial boards of “Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research”, “Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering” and the “Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering”. He is member of Scientific Advisory Boards in France, Denmark and the Netherlands. He is “Master” of the 111 project of the Chinese Government for oversees collaborations in his field.
Professor G. Yablonsky is an Associate Research Professor of Chemistry at Parks College and the College of Arts and Sciences. Previously (1997-2007), he was a Research Associate Professor in the Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering as Washington University in St. Louis. He is a world recognized expert in the area of chemical kinetics and chemical engineering, in catalytic technology particularly, which is one of main driving forces of sustainable development. He has authored two monographs and more than 200 peer-reviewed papers on these topics.
Denis Constales is associate professor of mathematical analysis at Ghent University. His work centres on the application of of integral transforms, special functions and computer algebra to problems ranging from hypercomplex analysis to applied mathematical modelling, with a strong emphasis on topics from chemical engineering and reaction kinetics. He has co-authored two monographs and more than 100 peer-reviewed papers on these subjects.
12 Ebook di Guy B. Marin
Guy B. Marin & Gregory S. Yablonsky: Kinetics of Chemical Reactions
This second, extended and updated edition presents the current state of kinetics of chemical reactions, combining basic knowledge with results recently obtained at the frontier of science. Special at …
Guy B. Marin & Gregory S. Yablonsky: Kinetics of Chemical Reactions
This second, extended and updated edition presents the current state of kinetics of chemical reactions, combining basic knowledge with results recently obtained at the frontier of science. Special at …
Guy B. Marin: Advances in Chemical Engineering
The theme of the present volume "Multiscale Analysis" has been introduced about a decade ago and is now reaching a stage where a first balance can be made and further research directions sh …
Guy B. Marin: Advances in Chemical Engineering
The theme of the present volume of Advances in Chemical Engineering is Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and aims to show the state-of-the-art of the application of CFD in chemical engineering. The …
Guy B. Marin: Advances in Chemical Engineering
Understanding and modeling the kinetics of chemical reactions is crucial to any research and development effort aimed at process optimization and innovation. This volume of Advances in Chemical Engin …
Guy B. Marin: Advances in Chemical Engineering
This volume on automotive emission control emphasizes the role of chemical engineering in automotive emission control. Clearly the development of mathematical models describing the different function …
Advances in Chemical Engineering
The cross-fertilization of physico-chemical and mathematical ideas has a long historical tradition. This volume of Advances in Chemical Engineering is almost completely dedicated to a conference on & …
Multiscale Simulation and Design
Due to the increasing importance of multi-scale computation in engineering, stimulated by the dramatic development of computer technology and understanding of multi-scale structures, an issue on mult …
Guy B. Marin: Catalysis and Kinetics: Molecular Level Considerations
Advances in Chemical Engineering was established in 1960 and is the definitive serial in the area. It is one of great importance to organic chemists, polymer chemists, and many biological scientists. …
Mesoscale Modeling in Chemical Engineering Part I
Focusing Mesoscales of Multiscale Problems in Chemical Engineering, a volume in the Advances in Chemical Engineering series provides readers with the personal views of recognized authorities who pres …
Mesoscale Modeling in Chemical Engineering Part II
Mesoscale Modeling in Chemical Engineering, a volume in the Advances in Chemical Engineering series provides the reader with personal views of authorities in the field. Subjects covered are not limit …
Denis Constales & Dagmar R. D’hooge: Advanced Data Analysis and Modelling in Chemical Engineering
Advanced Data Analysis and Modeling in Chemical Engineering provides the mathematical foundations of different areas of chemical engineering and describes typical applications. The book presents the …