This book may be considered as the continuation of the monographs [Tri?]and [Tri?] with the same title. It deals with the theory of function spaces of type s s B and F as it stands at the beginning of this century. These two scales of pq pq spacescovermanywell-knownspacesoffunctionsanddistributionssuchas H¨ older- Zygmundspaces, (fractionalandclassical)Sobolevspaces, Besovspacesand Hardy spaces. On the one hand this book is essentially self-contained. On the other hand we concentrate principally on those developments in recent times which are related to the nowadays numerous applications of function spaces to some neighboring areas such as numerics, signal processing and fractal analysis, to mention only a few of them. Chapter 1 in [Tri?] is a self-contained historically-oriented survey of the function spaces considered and their roots up to the beginning of the 1990s entitled How to measure smoothness. Chapter 1 of the present book has the same heading indicating continuity. As far as the history is concerned we will now be very brief, restricting ourselves to the essentials needed to make this book self-contained and readable. We complement [Tri?], Chapter 1, by a few points omitted there. But otherwise we jump to the 1990s, describing more recent developments. Some of them will be treated later on in detail.
Tabella dei contenuti
How to Measure Smoothness.- Atoms and Pointwise Multipliers.- Wavelets.- Spaces on Lipschitz Domains, Wavelets and Sampling Numbers.- Anisotropic Function Spaces.- Weighted Function Spaces.- Fractal Analysis: Measures, Characteristics, Operators.- Function Spaces on Quasi-metric Spaces.- Function Spaces on Sets.