This is a book of ‘light’ stories that are about the gift of choice we are given in this life. You can choose to live and be full of God’s light, or spend most of your time in a very dark place. The dark doesn’t like the light, because once it has been touched by the light, it isn’t dark anymore. My intent is to tell you about dreams I have had, people I have met, and some of the gifts that have been granted me because of them. Like so many of us, I have had the great privilege of meeting people whom I consider to be true ‘angels’ in all senses of the word. Some of their comments, and in some cases ‘channelings’ have been included in this collection of stories. It is my hope that you will draw a bit of pleasure from some of the information provided here, and perhaps learn something new. The stories are real enough, in that the ideas and thoughts behind them originate from my experiences. Anyone with an interest in Glastonbury, Oak Island, Rennes-le-Chateau, Capernaum and a hundred other places of legend, history and mystery, will find this an interesting book.
Hal Skaarup earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree through NSCAD, and his MA in War Studies with RMC. As a Canadian Forces officer, he has had extensive service overseas in Germany, with the United Nations in Cyprus, and with the NATO-led Peace Stabilization Force (SFOR) in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Circa l’autore
Major Harold A. Skaarup, CD2, BFA, MA in War Studies, is a Canadian Forces Army Intelligence Officer with an interest in Military History. He has served overseas with 4 Canadian Mechanized Brigade in Germany, with the Canadian Contingent of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Nicosia, Cyprus (CANCONCYP), with the NATO-led Peace Stabilization Force in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina (SFOR), with North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD) and United Sates Northern Command in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and with the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), Kabul Multi-National Brigade (KMNB) in Kabul, Afghanistan. He currently lives in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.