Note: College Algebra problems solved in detail using proofs , tables and illustrations for algebraic applications.
Note 2: Bonus material in appendix: Includes physics problem, secant and tangent curve leading to a derivative
, approximate graphed integral versus solved integral.
This book was written to better solve algebra problems using text,
graphs, diagrams, rules, combined to show several approaches of
solving algebra in a real life environment.
The approach combined careers of engineering, teaching math and
research in electrical engineering.
Bonus Material in appendix:
Review of Quadratic Equation -Real solution
Review of Quadratic Equation -Imaginary solution
Physics Derivation of the Distance formula
Diagram of object thrown off a building
Explanation and use of approximate numbers including flow chart
Discussion of uses of algebra in Trigonometry and Calculus
Calculus diagram of approximate solution and integral solution
Diagram of secant curve and tangent curve leading to a derivative solution
Physics diagram of an inclined plane using trigonometry and geometry
Physics demonstrating units conversion in ratios
Discussion of math used in electrical engineering