Vanda Zajko is Reader in Classics at the University of Bristol, UK. She is co-editor with Miriam Leonard of Laughing with Medusa: Classical Myth and Feminist Thought (2006); with Alexandra Lianeri of Translation and the Classic: Identity as Change in the History of Culture (2008); and with Ellen O”Gorman of Classical Myth and Psychoanalysis: Ancient and Modern Stories of the Self (2013).
2 Ebook di Helena Hoyle
Helena Hoyle & Vanda Zajko: A Handbook to the Reception of Classical Mythology
A Handbook to the Reception of Classical Mythology presents a collection of essays that explore a wide variety of aspects of Greek and Roman myths and their critical reception from antiquity to the p …
Helena Hoyle & Vanda Zajko: A Handbook to the Reception of Classical Mythology
A Handbook to the Reception of Classical Mythology presents a collection of essays that explore a wide variety of aspects of Greek and Roman myths and their critical reception from antiquity to the p …