6 Ebook di Herbert Doring
Herbert Doring: Patterns of Parliamentary Behavior
This volume begins where the first Döring book of 1995 finished by considering what effects the rules had on legislative output during the same period. It addresses four distinct yet complementary r …
Herbert Doring: Patterns of Parliamentary Behavior
This volume begins where the first Döring book of 1995 finished by considering what effects the rules had on legislative output during the same period. It addresses four distinct yet complementary r …
Herbert Döring: Ein ganzes Leben in zwei Tagen
Mitreißende Duelle, das Auf und Ab eines zwei Tage dauerndes Wettkampfes – und ganz am Ende der 1500-m-Lauf, in dem Zehnkämpfer nochmals Alles bis zur völligen Erschöpfung geben: das »Faszinosum Zehn …