Autore: Hilleary M. Drake

Hilleary Drake has taught fifth grade for six years in Riverton, Wyoming. Growing up in Texas during the initial wave of the “testing craze” she understands just how harmful it can be when testing drives instruction. She earned her undergraduate degree from Texas A&M-Corpus Christi and her Master’s degree from the University of Iowa. While at Iowa she worked with Iowa Testing Progams as a graduate assistant, gaining behind-the-scene knowledge of the testing industry. Hilleary enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with friends and family, especially her husband Jay.

2 Ebook di Hilleary M. Drake

Liz Hollingworth & Hilleary M. Drake: Teach Reading, Not Testing
Teaching IS rocket science—and you are the pilot! Teach Reading, Not Testing reinforces what teachers already know—test preparation worksheets and drill-and-kill activities do not make children into …
Hilleary M. Drake & Liz Hollingworth: Teach Reading, Not Testing
Teaching IS rocket science-and you are the pilot!Teach Reading, Not Testing reinforces what teachers already know-test preparation worksheets and drill-and-kill activities do not make children into l …