Autore: Holm Altenbach

Prof. Dr.-Ing.habil.Dr.h.c.mult Holm Altenbach, Member of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,        and the International Research Center on Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems (M&Mo CS), Italy. Employment history includes positions at Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg and at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, both Germany. Graduated from Leningrad Polytechnic Institute in 1985 (diploma in Dynamics and Strength of Machines). Defended Ph D in 1983, awarded Doctor of technical sciences in 1987, both at the same Institute. Present position: Full Professor in Engineering Mechanics at the Otto-von-Guericke-University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Mechanics (since 2011), acting director of the Institute of Mechanics since 2015 Areas of scientific interest: •                  General theory of elastic and inelastic plates and shells. •                  Creep and damage mechanics. •                  Strength theories. •                  Nano- and micromechanics.   Author/Co-author/Editor of 60 Books (textbooks/monographs/proceedings), appr. 380 scientific papers (among them 250 peer-reviewed) and 500 scientific lectures. Managing Editor (2004 to 2014) and Editor-in-Chief (2005 – to date) of the Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (ZAMM) – the oldest journal in Mechanics in Germany (founded by Richard von Mises in 1921), Advisory Editor of the journal “Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics” since 2011, Associate Editor of the journal “Mechanics of Composites” (Riga) since 2014, Co-Editor of the Springer Series “Advanced Structured Materials” since 2010.   Awards: 1992 Krupp-Award (Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation), 2000 Best paper of the year Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2003 Gold Medal of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Politechnika Lubelska, Lublin, Poland, 2004 Semko-Medal of the National Technical University Kharkov, Ukraine, 2007 Doctor honoris causa, National Technical University Kharkov, Ukraine, 2011 Fellow of the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, 2014 Doctor honoris causa, University Constanta, Romania, 2016 Doctor honoris causa, Vekua-Institute, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2018 Alexander von Humboldt Award (Poland)

100 Ebook di Holm Altenbach

Holm Altenbach & Alexander Belyaev: Dynamical Processes in Generalized Continua and Structures
This book presents a collection of chapters on the current problems of the theory of dynamical processes in generalized continua and structures, and has been compiled to commemorate the 70th birthday …
Gennadi I. Mikhasev & Holm Altenbach: Thin-walled Laminated Structures
This book presents a theoretical approach that allows the analysis of structures with magnetorheological and electrorheological layers, and shows, with the help of examples, how the mechanical behavi …
Bilen Emek Abali & Holm Altenbach: New Achievements in Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics
This book presents a liber amicorum dedicated to Wolfgang H. Müller, and highlights recent advances in Prof. Müller’s major fields of research: continuum mechanics, generalized mechanics, thermodynam …
Holm Altenbach & Jacek Chróścielewski: Recent Developments in the Theory of Shells
This book commemorates the 80th birthday of Prof. W. Pietraszkiewicz, a prominent specialist in the field of general shell theory. Reflecting Prof. Pietraszkiewicz’s focus, the respective papers addr …
Konstantin Naumenko & Holm Altenbach: Modeling High Temperature Materials Behavior for Structural Analysis
This second part of the work on creep modeling offers readers essential guidance on practical computational simulation and analysis. Drawing on constitutive equations for creep in structural material …
Andreas Öchsner & Holm Altenbach: Engineering Design Applications II
This book offers an update on recent developments in modern engineering design. Different engineering disciplines, such as mechanical, materials, computer and process engineering, provide the foundat …
Holm Altenbach & Hans Irschik: Contributions to Advanced Dynamics and Continuum Mechanics
The book celebrates the 65th birthday of Prof. Alexander K. Belyaev—a well-known expert in the field of Dynamics of Mechanical Systems. In addition to reflecting Prof. Belyaev’s contributions, the pa …
Andreas Ochsner & Holm Altenbach: Advances in Bio-Mechanical Systems and Materials
This monograph presents the latest results related to bio-mechanical systems and materials. The bio-mechanical systems with which his book is concerned are prostheses, implants, medical operation rob …
Andreas Öchsner & Holm Altenbach: Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Advanced Materials and Structures
The idea of this monograph is to present the latest results related to experimental and numerical investigations of advanced materials and structures. The contributions cover the field of mechanical, …
Holm Altenbach & Gennadi I. Mikhasev: Shell and Membrane Theories in Mechanics and Biology
This book presents the latest results related to shells characterize and design shells, plates, membranes and other thin-walled structures, a multidisciplinary approach from macro- to nanoscale is re …
Andreas Öchsner & Holm Altenbach: Design and Computation of Modern Engineering Materials
The idea of this monograph is to present the latest results related to design and computation of engineering materials and structures. The contributions cover the classical fields of mechanical, civi …
Holm Altenbach & Michael Brünig: Inelastic Behavior of Materials and Structures Under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading
This book presents studies on the inelastic behavior of materials and structures under monotonic and cyclic loads. It focuses on the description of new effects like purely thermal cycles or cases of …
Holm Altenbach & Tetsuya Matsuda: From Creep Damage Mechanics to Homogenization Methods
This volume presents a collection of contributions on materials modeling, which were written to celebrate the 65th birthday of Prof. Nobutada Ohno. The book follows Prof. Ohno’s scientific topics, st …
Andreas Öchsner & Holm Altenbach: Mechanical and Materials Engineering of Modern Structure and Component Design
This book presents the latest findings on mechanical and materials engineering as applied to the design of modern engineering materials and components. The contributions cover the classical fields of …
Andreas Öchsner & Holm Altenbach: Applications of Computational Tools in Biosciences and Medical Engineering
This monograph presents the latest developments and applications of computational tools related to the biosciences and medical engineering. Computational tools such as the finite element methods, com …
Konstantin Naumenko & Holm Altenbach: Modeling High Temperature Materials Behavior for Structural Analysis
This monograph presents approaches to characterize inelastic behavior of materials and structures at high temperature. Starting from experimental observations, it discusses basic features of inelasti …
Holm Altenbach & Samuel Forest: Generalized Continua as Models for Classical and Advanced Materials
This volume is devoted to an actual topic which is the focus world-wide of various research groups. It contains contributions describing the material behavior on different scales, new existence and u …
Holm Altenbach & Victor Eremeyev: Shell-like Structures
The book presents mathematical and mechanical aspects of the theory of plates and shells, applications in civil, aero-space and mechanical engineering, as well in other areas. The focus relates to th …
Holm Altenbach & Robert V. Goldstein: Mechanics for Materials and Technologies
This book shows impressively how complex mathematical modeling of materials can be applied to technological problems. Top-class researchers present the theoretical approaches in modern mechanics and …
Andreas Öchsner & Holm Altenbach: Improved Performance of Materials
This book offers a snapshot of recent developments in improving the properties and performance of engineering materials and structures. It discusses modeling properties related to classical mechanica …
Holm Altenbach & Frank Jablonski: Advances in Mechanics of Materials and Structural Analysis
This book presents a collection of contributions on the advanced mechanics of materials and mechanics of structures approaches, written in honor of Professor Kienzler. It covers various topics relate …
Holm Altenbach & Joël Pouget: Generalized Models and Non-classical Approaches in Complex Materials 1
This book is the first of 2 special volumes dedicated to the memory of Gérard Maugin. Including 40 papers that reflect his vast field of scientific activity, the contributions discuss non-standard me …
Holm Altenbach & Joël Pouget: Generalized Models and Non-classical Approaches in Complex Materials 2
This book is the 2nd special volume dedicated to the memory of Gérard Maugin. Over 30 leading scientists present their contribution to reflect the vast field of scientific activity of Gérard Maugin. …
Konstantin Naumenko & Holm Altenbach: Modeling of Creep for Structural Analysis
‘Creep Modeling for Structural Analysis’ develops methods to simulate and analyze the time-dependent changes of stress and strain states in engineering structures up to the critical stage of creep ru …
Lucas F. M. da Silva & Holm Altenbach: Materials with Complex Behaviour
Common engineering materials reach in many demanding applications such as automotive or aerospace their limits and new developments are required to ful ll increasing demands on performance and charac …
Holm Altenbach & Gérard A. Maugin: Mechanics of Generalized Continua
This collection on „Mechanics of Generalized Continua – from Micromechanical Basics to Engineering Applications“ brings together leading scientists in this field from France, Russian Federation, and …
Holm Altenbach & Victor A. Eremeyev: Shell-like Structures
In this volume scientists and researchers from industry discuss the new trends in simulation and computing shell-like structures. The focus is put on the following problems: new theories (based on tw …
Andreas Öchsner & Lucas F. M. da Silva: Analysis and Design of Biological Materials and Structures
This collection provides researchers and scientists with advanced analyses and materials design techniques in Biomaterials and presents mechanical studies of biological structures. In 16 contribution …
Andreas Öchsner & Lucas F. M. da Silva: Materials with Complex Behaviour II
This volume highlights the latest developments and trends in advanced materials and their properties, the modeling and simulation of non-classical materials and structures, and new technologies for j …
Victor A. Eremeyev & Leonid P. Lebedev: Foundations of Micropolar Mechanics
The book presents foundations of the micropolar continuum mechanics including a short but comprehensive introduction of stress and strain measures, derivation of motion equations and discussion of th …
Oxana Sadovskaya & Vladimir Sadovskii: Mathematical Modeling in Mechanics of Granular Materials
This monograph contains original results in the field of mathematical and numerical modeling of mechanical behavior of granular materials and materials with different strengths. It proposes new model …
Andreas Öchsner & Lucas F. M. da Silva: Characterization and Development of Biosystems and Biomaterials
This collection of recent activities provides researchers and scientists with the latest trends in characterization and developments of biosystems and biomaterials. Well known experts present their r …
Andreas Öchsner & Lucas F. M. da Silva: Mechanics and Properties of Composed Materials and Structures
This collection of recent activities provides researchers and scientists with the latest trends in characterization and developments of composed materials and structures. Here, the expression ‘compos …
Andreas Öchsner & Lucas F. M. da Silva: Design and Analysis of Materials and Engineering Structures
The idea of this monograph is to present the latest results related to design and analysis of materials and engineering structures. The contributions cover the field of mechanical and civil engineeri …
Holm Altenbach & Serge Kruch: Advanced Materials Modelling for Structures
This volume presents the major outcome of the IUTAM symposium on “Advanced Materials Modeling for Structures”. It discusses advances in high temperature materials research, and also to provides a dis …
Holm Altenbach & Nikita F Morozov: Surface Effects in Solid Mechanics
This book summarizes the actual state of the art and future trends of surface effects in solid mechanics. Surface effects are more and more important in the precise description of the behavior of adv …
Holm Altenbach & Samuel Forest: Generalized Continua as Models for Materials
This volume presents contributions describing the micro- and macro-behaviours, new existence and uniqueness theorems, the formulation of multi-scale problems, etc. and now it is time to ponder again …
Holm Altenbach & Andreas Öchsner: Plasticity of Pressure-Sensitive Materials
Classical plasticity theory of metals is independent of the hydrostatic pressure. However if the metal contains voids or pores or if the structure is composed of cells, this classical assumption is n …
Holm Altenbach & Johannes Altenbach: Ebene Flächentragwerke
Das gut eingeführte Werk Ebene Flächentragwerke erscheint nun in der 2. Auflage. Ausgehend von einer Klassifikation der Modelle ebener Flächentragwerke und den Grundgleichungen der linearen …
Holm Altenbach & Andreas Öchsner: Cellular and Porous Materials in Structures and Processes
The book covers the state-of-the-art treatment in modelling and experimental investigation of the mechanical behaviour of cellular and porous materials. Starting from the continuum mechanical modelli …
Holm Altenbach & Victor A. Eremeyev: Generalized Continua – from the Theory to Engineering Applications
On the roots of continuum mechanics in differential geometry — a review.- Cosserat media.- Cosserat-type shells.- Cosserat-type rods.- Micromorphic media.- Electromagnetism and generalized continua. …
Holm Altenbach & Tomasz Sadowski: Failure and Damage Analysis of Advanced Materials
The papers in this volume present basic concepts and new developments in failure and damage analysis with focus on advanced materials such as composites, laminates, sandwiches and foams, and also new …
Günther Holzmann & Heinz Meyer: Technische Mechanik Festigkeitslehre
Eine anschauliche Einführung in die Festigkeitslehre, wobei sich theoretische Grundlagen und praxisrelevante Beispiele abwechseln. Die vollständig durchgerechneten Beispiele dienen der Illustration u …
Andreas Öchsner & Holm Altenbach: Machining, Joining and Modifications of Advanced Materials
This book presents the latest advances in mechanical and materials engineering applied to the machining, joining and modification of modern engineering materials. The contributions cover the classica …
Andreas Öchsner & Holm Altenbach: Properties and Characterization of Modern Materials
This book focuses on robust characterization and prediction methods for materials in technical applications as well as the materials’ safety features during operation. In particular, it presents meth …
Holm Altenbach & Erasmo Carrera: Analysis and Modelling of Advanced Structures and Smart Systems
This book presents selected papers presented at the 8th International Conference ‘Design, Modeling and Experiments of Advanced Structures and Systems’ (De MEASS VIII, held in Moscow, Russia in May 20 …
Holm Altenbach & Reinhold Kienzler: Theories of Plates and Shells
Plate and shell theories experienced a renaissance in recent years. The potentials of smart materials, the challenges of adaptive structures, the demands of thin-film technologies and more on the one …
Holm Altenbach: Kontinuumsmechanik
Ziel des Buchs ist es, auf möglichst einfache Weise in die Grundlagen dieses anspruchsvollen Fachgebiets einzuführen. Gegliedert in Abschnitte zum historischen Abriss und zur Tensorrechnung, zu mater …
Holm Altenbach & Johannes Altenbach: Ebene Flächentragwerke
Ein neues, aktuelles Werk zur Problematik der Flächentragwerke liegt vor, daß die Entwicklungen der letzten 10 Jahre berücksichtigt. In den Möglichkeiten zur numerischen Bearbeitung hat sich viel ent …
Holm Altenbach: Holzmann/Meyer/Schumpich Technische Mechanik Festigkeitslehre
Die vollständig durchgerechneten praxisrelevanten Beispiele in diesem Lehrbuch geben eine anschauliche Einführung in die Festigkeitslehre. Sie wechseln sich mit den theoretischen Grundlagen ab. …
Holm Altenbach: Holzmann/Meyer/Schumpich Technische Mechanik Festigkeitslehre
Die vollständig durchgerechneten praxisrelevanten Beispiele in diesem Lehrbuch geben eine anschauliche Einführung in die Festigkeitslehre. Sie wechseln sich mit den theoretischen Grundlagen ab. …
Holm Altenbach: Holzmann/Meyer/Schumpich Technische Mechanik Festigkeitslehre
Die vollständig durchgerechneten praxisrelevanten Beispiele in diesem Lehrbuch geben eine anschauliche und sehr verständliche Einführung in die Festigkeitslehre. Sie wechseln sich mit den theore …
Holm Altenbach & Johannes W. Altenbach: Mechanics of Composite Structural Elements
Laminate and sandwich structures are typical lightweight elements with rapidly ex- panding application in various industrial fields. In the past, these structures were used primarily in aircraft and …
Holm Altenbach: Kontinuumsmechanik
Das Buch führt in möglichst einfacher Weise in die Grundlagen der Kontinuumsmechanik ein, wobei der Schwerpunkt bei festen deformierbaren Körpern liegt. Es gliedert sich in vier Teile: – Grundbegriff …
Holm Altenbach: Kontinuumsmechanik
Innovative technische Projekte mit komplexen Aufgabenstellungen erfordern oft solide Kenntnisse in der Kontinuumsmechanik. Denn häufig handelt es sich um Mehrfeldprobleme, die sich im Rahmen klassisc …
Holm Altenbach & Jacek J. Skrzypek: Creep and Damage in Materials and Structures
This textbook gives a concise survey of constitutive and structural modeling for high temperature creep, damage, low – cycle fatigue and other inelastic conditions. The book shows the creep and conti …
Holm Altenbach & Wilfried Becker: Modern Trends in Composite Laminates Mechanics
The aim of the book is to give a clear picture of some new modern trends in composite mechanics and to give a presentation of the current state-of-the-art of the theory and application of composite l …
Holm Altenbach & Johannes Altenbach: Mechanics of Composite Structural Elements
This second edition of the textbook presents a systematic introduction to the structural mechanics of composite components. The book focusses on modeling and calculation of sandwiches and laminated c …
Holm Altenbach & Andreas Öchsner: State of the Art and Future Trends in Material Modeling
This special anniversary book celebrates the success of this Springer book series highlighting materials modeling as the key to developing new engineering products and applications. In this 100th vol …
Holm Altenbach & Wolfgang H. Müller: Higher Gradient Materials and Related Generalized Continua
This book discusses recent findings and advanced theories presented at two workshops at TU Berlin in 2017 and 2018. It underlines several advantages of generalized continuum models compared to the cl …
Holm Altenbach & Michael Brünig: Plasticity, Damage and Fracture in Advanced Materials
This book presents studies on the plasticity, failure, and damage behavior of materials and structures under monotonic and cyclic loads. Featuring contributions by leading authors from around the glo …
Andreas Öchsner & Holm Altenbach: Engineering Design Applications III
This book provides an update on recent advances in various areas of modern engineering design, such as mechanical, materials, computer, and process engineering, which provide the foundation for the d …
Holm Altenbach & Victor A. Eremeyev: Nonlinear Wave Dynamics of Materials and Structures
This book marks the 60th birthday of Prof. Vladimir Erofeev – a well-known specialist in the field of wave processes in solids, fluids, and structures. Featuring a collection of papers related to Pro …
Holm Altenbach & Natalia Chinchaladze: Analysis of Shells, Plates, and Beams
This book commemorates the 75th birthday of Prof. George Jaiani – Georgia’s leading expert on shell theory. He is also well known outside Georgia for his individual approach to shell theory research …
Sergei M. Aizikovich & Holm Altenbach: Modeling, Synthesis and Fracture of Advanced Materials for Industrial and Medical Applications
This book gathers papers presented at the international workshop PMSDAM’19. The respective contributions offer valuable insights for researchers working on numerical solutions to advanced materials p …
Holm Altenbach & Victor A. Eremeyev: Multiscale Solid Mechanics
This book provides an overview of the current of the state of the art in the multiscale mechanics of solids and structures. It comprehensively discusses new materials, including theoretical and exper …
Leonid Borisovich Getsov: Materials and Strength of Gas Turbine Parts
This book discusses several mechanical and material problems that are typical for gas turbine components.  It discusses accelerated tests and other methods for increasing the reliability of …
Holm Altenbach & Marco Amabili: Nonlinear Mechanics of Complex Structures
This book covers different topics of nonlinear mechanics in complex structures, such as the appearance of new nonlinear phenomena and the behavior of finite-dimensional and distributed nonlinear syst …
Holm Altenbach: Holzmann/Meyer/Schumpich Technische Mechanik Festigkeitslehre
Die vollständig durchgerechneten praxisrelevanten Beispiele in diesem Lehrbuch geben eine anschauliche und sehr verständliche Einführung in die Festigkeitslehre. Sie wechseln sich mit den theore …
Holm Altenbach & Victor A. Eremeyev: Advanced Materials Modelling for Mechanical, Medical and Biological Applications
The book is devoted to the 70th birthday of Prof. Sergey M. Aizikovich, which will celebrated on August 2nd 2021. His scientific interests are related to the following topics: Mechanics of contact in …
Holm Altenbach & Svetlana Bauer: Recent Approaches in the Theory of Plates and Plate-Like Structures
This book presents the various approaches in establishment the basic equations of one- and two-dimensional structural elements. In addition, the boundaries of validity of the theories and the estimat …
Holm Altenbach & Michael Beitelschmidt: Material Modeling and Structural Mechanics
This book presents various questions of continuum mechanical modeling in the context of experimental and numerical methods, in particular, multi-field problems that go beyond the standard models of c …
Ivan Giorgio & Luca Placidi: Theoretical Analyses, Computations, and Experiments of Multiscale Materials
This book is devoted to the 60th birthday of the Prof. Francesco dell’Isola, who is known for his long-term contribution in the field of multiscale materials. It contains several contr …
Andreas Öchsner & Holm Altenbach: Engineering Design Applications IV
This book presents the developments in engineering design application. The chapters on mechanical, materials, computer and process engineering provide the foundation for the design and development of …
Holm Altenbach & Artur Ganczarski: Advanced Theories for Deformation, Damage and Failure in Materials
The book introduces advanced theories for deformation, damage, and failure in materials. The overall continuum mechanical framework was marked out and added by creep and damage mechanics of materials …
Holm Altenbach & Svetlana M. Bauer: Advances in Solid and Fracture Mechanics
This book presents a collection of articles reporting the current challenges in solid and fracture mechanics. The book is devoted to the 90th birthday of academician Nikita F. Morozov—a well-known sp …
Holm Altenbach & Alexander H.-D. Cheng: Advances in Mechanical and Power Engineering
This book covers theoretical and experimental findings at the interface between fluid mechanics, heat transfer and energy technologies. It reports on the development and improvement of numerical meth …
Holm Altenbach & Michael Johlitz: Lectures Notes on Advanced Structured Materials
The book on advanced structured materials is designed to facilitate teaching and informal discussion in a supportive and friendly environment. The book provides a forum for postgraduate students to p …
Holm Altenbach & Andreas Ochsner: Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics
This Encyclopedia covers the entire science of continuum mechanics including the mechanics of materials and fluids. The encyclopedia comprises mathematical definitions for continuum mechanical modeli …
Holm Altenbach & Victor A. Eremeyev: Deformation and Destruction of Materials and Structures Under Quasi-static and Impulse Loading
This book presents the theoretical and experimental foundations of quasi-static deformation of elastoplastic and viscoplastic materials and structural elements made of them. Experimental studies of d …
Holm Altenbach & Suren Manuk Mkhitaryan: Solid Mechanics, Theory of Elasticity and Creep
This book presents fundamental theoretical and experimental studies of well-known scientists in solid mechanics, hydromechanics, aeromechanics, biomechanics, etc. These studies relate to contact and …
Holm Altenbach & Arkadi Berezovski: Sixty Shades of Generalized Continua
In this book, well-known scientists discuss modern aspects of generalized continua, in order to better understand modern materials and advanced structures. They possess complicated internal structure …
Holm Altenbach: Holzmann/Meyer/Schumpich Technische Mechanik Festigkeitslehre
Die vollständig durchgerechneten praxisrelevanten Beispiele in diesem Lehrbuch geben eine anschauliche und sehr verständliche Einführung in die Festigkeitslehre. Sie wechseln sich mit den theore …
Holm Altenbach & Julius Kaplunov: Advances in Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials
This book presents current trends in Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials. It covers a number of cutting-edge themes, such as characterization of linear and nonlinear mechanical behavior of viscoela …
Holm Altenbach & Danila Prikazchikov: Mechanics of High-Contrast Elastic Solids
This book contains the most recent results in the area of strongly inhomogeneous composite structures, including layered materials as well as continua with microstructure. This collection of papers m …
Holm Altenbach & Giovanni Bruno: Mechanics of Heterogeneous Materials
This book is published on dedication of Prof. Dr. Igor Sevostianov who passed away in 2021. He was a great Russian-American scientist who made significant contributions in the field of mechanics of h …
Andreas Öchsner & Holm Altenbach: Engineering Design Applications V
This book gives an update on recent developments in different engineering disciplines such as mechanical, materials, computer and process engineering, focusing on modern engineering design applicatio …
Holm Altenbach & Konstantin Naumenko: Creep in Structures VI
This book offers a current state of the art in analysis and modeling of creep phenomena with applications to the structural mechanics. It presents the some presentations from the IUTAM-Symposium seri …
Aleksander N. Guz & Holm Altenbach: Advances in Mechanics
This book covers research from modern directions in solid mechanics, in particular, in the fields of mechanics of composite materials, fracture mechanics, strength of materials and structures, thermo …
Holm Altenbach & Hans Irschik: Progress in Continuum Mechanics
This book gives an insight into the current developments in the field of continuum mechanics. Twenty-five researchers present new theoretical concepts, e.g., better inclusion of the microstructure in …
Holm Altenbach & Victor Eremeyev: Advances in Linear and Nonlinear Continuum and Structural Mechanics
This book offers a current image of modern mechanics. The book reflects current state of the art in the field of continuum mechanics and mechanics of structures including recent achievements in class …
Holm Altenbach & Johannes Altenbach: Ebene Flächentragwerke
Das gut eingeführte Werk Ebene Flächentragwerke erscheint nun in der 2. Auflage. Ausgehend von einer Klassifikation der Modelle ebener Flächentragwerke und den Grundgleichungen der linearen …
Holm Altenbach & Jörg Hohe: Progress in Structural Mechanics
The book is devoted to the retirement of Prof. Wilfried Becker—a liber amicorum for a well-known specialist in the field of structural mechanics. Many excellent scientists from institutions around th …
Holm Altenbach & Leonhard Hitzler: Lectures Notes on Advanced Structured Materials 2
The postgraduate seminar series on advanced structured materials is designed to facilitate teaching and informal discussion in a supportive and friendly environment. The seminar provides a forum for …
Holm Altenbach & Viacheslav Bogdanov: Selected Problems of Solid Mechanics and Solving Methods
This book examines new approaches for the estimation of errors in approximate theories. Numerical and analytical methods in mechanics often require the establishment of a set of basic equations, and …
Andreas Öchsner & Holm Altenbach: Engineering Design Applications VI
This book gives an update on recent developments in the mentioned areas of modern engineering design application. Different engineering disciplines such as mechanical, materials, computer and process …
Holm Altenbach & Andreas Öchsner: State of the Art and Future Trends in Materials Modelling 2
This volume illuminates exciting new developments and approaches of classical mechanical problems. The ongoing necessity for research in this field stems from the need for new engineering solutions t …
Holm Altenbach & Xiao-Wei Gao: Advances in Mechanical and Power Engineering II
This book covers theoretical and experimental findings at the interface between fluid mechanics, heat transfer and energy technologies. It reports on the development and improvement of numerical meth …
Holm Altenbach & Leonhard Hitzler: Lectures Notes on Advanced Structured Materials 3
This book is designed to facilitate teaching and informal discussion in a supportive and friendly environment. The seminar provides a forum for postgraduate students to present their research results …