Autore: Hugo Bowles

Yasemin Bayyurt, Bo?aziçi University, Turkey Hugo Bowles, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy Alessia Cogo, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK Martin Dewey, King”s College London, UK Ji?ina Dunková, Independent Scholar Kellie Goncalves, Independent Scholar Enrico Grazzi, Roma Tre University, Italy Lucilla Lopriore, Roma Tre University, Italy Veronika Quinn Novotná, Charles University, Prague Iris Schaller-Schwaner, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Nicos C. Sifakis, Hellenic Open University, Greece Paola Vettorel, University of Verona, Italy Ying Wang, University of Southampton, UK Melissa H. Yu, University of Southampton, UK

4 Ebook di Hugo Bowles

Hugo Bowles & Alessia Cogo: International Perspectives on English as a Lingua Franca
This collection brings new insight into the relationship between English as a lingua franca and language teaching. It explores how the pedagogy of intelligibility, culture and language awareness, as …
Hugo Bowles: Dickens and the Stenographic Mind
Initially described by Dickens as a ‘savage stenographic mystery’, shorthand was to become an essential and influential part of his toolkit as a writer. In this ground-breaking interdisciplinary stud …
Hugo Bowles: Dickens and the Stenographic Mind
Initially described by Dickens as a ‘savage stenographic mystery’, shorthand was to become an essential and influential part of his toolkit as a writer. In this ground-breaking interdisciplinary stud …
Hugo Bowles & Amanda C. Murphy: English-Medium Instruction and the Internationalization of Universities
This edited book examines English-Medium Instruction (EMI) language policy and practice in higher education around the world, highlighting how English language usage affects the internationaliza …