Autore: Hui-Ming Wee

Dr. K. Geetha is currently Professor, Dean- Academics and Research in JCT college of Engineering and Technology, Tamil Nadu, India. She a rich experience of teaching and administration for the past 20 years. Her research guidance includes 14 Ph.D. scholars for their doctoral degree. Her research areas include artificial intelligence, optimization techniques, and medical image processing. She has published articles in reputed journals in her area of specialization. She is passionate about continuous teaching-learning processes and involved in research related to student-centric learning methodologies. In 2020 and 2021, she served as the conference chair of the IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems and the Springer International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control. Dr. Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt is currently a full professor in electrical power engineering and Founder and leader of the DIg En Sys-Lab (Digital Energy Systems Laboratory) at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Information Technology and Cybernetics, University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway. He is a former Lecturer in Electrical Power System at Electrical Power System in School of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering at Loughborough University (2013-2019).  He is Vice-President of Venezuelan Wind Energy Association, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK), Senior Member of the IEEE, member of The Institution of Engineering and Technology – The IET (UK) and member of International Council on Large Electric Systems -CIGRE. His research interest includes innovative (operation/control) schemes to optimise the performance of future energy systems. Dr. Hui-Ming Wee is the Associate Dean, Chaplain and Distinguished Professor in Chung Yuan Christian University. He has received an excellent research award from the Taiwan Ministry of Science & Technology, an excellent life researcher award from CYCU and the Medal for Distinguished Industrial Engineer Award. He has published more than 400 papers in refereed journals, international conferences and book chapters. His papers were cited over 3275 times (Scopus) with h-index: 32. He has co-edited six books and holds two patents; was keynote speaker to a number of international conferences, Senior Member for Asian Council of Science Editors (ACSE), Board of Directors for International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI) and Editor/editorial board member for a number of international journals.

4 Ebook di Hui-Ming Wee

Hui-Ming Wee: Inventory Systems
Most organizations use, transform, distribute or sell materials of one or several kinds. The management of materials has serious implication on the financial, production, and marketing functions of a …
Marc L DuBois: Action Potential
An action potential (or nerve impulse) is a transient alteration of the transmembrane voltage (or membrane potential) across an excitable membrane in an excitable cell (such as a neuron or myocyte) g …
K. Geetha & Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt: Recent Trends in Materials
This book presents the select proceedings of 4th International Conference on Trends in Material Science and Inventive Materials (ICTMIM 2022). Various topics covered in this book are nanotechnol …
Subramanya K N & Hui-Ming Wee: Innovations in Electronic Materials: Advancing Technology for a Sustainable Future
This book delves into the cutting-edge field of electronic materials, focusing on their pivotal role in shaping a sustainable and technologically advanced future. This comprehensive book brings toget …